June 2021 News and updates for our packaging community. | |||||||||
Load Stability Performance Testing of Unitized Packaged-Products for Transit WhitepaperThe stability of unitized loads provides challenges for many companies around the globe. The ISTA Standards Council authorized a workgroup to be formed with the objective to improve the industry’s ability to predict the effects of non-restrained events that occur on unit loads in a generalized supply chain. To tackle this objective, the workgroup walked through research, discussions, and experiments to understand field inputs that create load stability issues and test methods that can be used to predict the effects of those inputs on shipping units. The workgroup’s published whitepaper, Load Stability Performance Testing of Unitized Packaged-Products for Transit documents the current landscape relative to load stability performance testing of unitized packaged-products and also provides visibility of the discussions, research and process used by ISTA’s workgroup. The workgroup also identified an opportunity to gather further data on other events that influence the stability of a unitized load, specifically those associated with vehicle transport. Funding for research that explores vehicle transport constant acceleration events (truck cornering, braking, etc.) has been approved by ISTA's Advocate Research and Value Delivery Program. The intent of the research is to drive further development of qualitative test methods that predict the effects of vehicle transport constant acceleration events on unit loads in transit. Horizontal Impact Testing for Unrestrained Unitized Loads TestAs a result of their findings, the ISTA load stability workgroup developed a new qualitative (pass/fail) test method that predicts the effects of non-restrained horizontal impacts on unitized loads during mechanical handling. ISTA's ANSI consensus body approach was used to approve the new test, Horizontal Impact Testing for Unrestrained Unitized Loads. Michael Kuebler, ISTA Load Stability Workgroup Chair and Smithers Technical Director shared “I'm thrilled to see all the hard work of this load stability workgroup culminate in a tangible guidance document that will bring value to not only the Smithers distribution testing team but to the entire package testing community. This new unitized load stability test fills a gap in testing guidance and will ultimately help users better predict performance and shipping effects by delivering accurate testing data.” The new test will be used in two ways:
The Standards Council has also determined it most appropriate for the individual test element to reside in ISTA’s Data Depot, in the “project” phase, prior to incorporation into any standardized testing procedures. Since this test is in the “project” stage, sharing how test results correlate to known field results is encouraged. These correlation efforts help the ISTA Standards Council validate the method. ISTA’s 2021 Annual Membership Meeting will be held as a webinar on Tuesday, June 8th at 1:00 PM EST. The meeting will deliver board member updates, a financial and membership review, and some of ISTA’s major focuses in 2021. Registration is now open for ISTA members. The webinar recording will be made available for all members. PackSight: Tips, Tricks, New and Upcoming Features
ISTA launched a Distribution Environment Data Collection Program in late 2018 with the primary goal of expanding our distribution environment data resources. Through both directly-funded research and industry collaboration, we are initially focused on obtaining atmospheric, vibration, storage, and handling data that meets our established Data Collection Standards for CPG land-route distribution in five prioritized countries/regions – China, India, Europe, Japan and Mexico. While we are starting with these five countries, the intent is to continue to collect other land and ocean-route data to provide us with a better understanding of regional differences in transport hazards. This data will be leveraged to improve current testing protocols, add new testing protocols, and create a world-class data repository that can be leveraged by ISTA, and its members, to better model distribution locally, nationally, and internationally.
ISTA will be offering a Certified Packaging Laboratory Professional (CPLP) Technician training webinar on Wednesday, June 9th. The CPLP program recognizes the development and excellence in packaging laboratory professionals. CPLP certification is particularly valuable for enhancing the credibility of people involved with ISTA testing and ISTA certified laboratory operations. Larry Dull, ISTA's Lead Instructor and who is also a CPLP-Professional will conduct the training. The exam will be available online after the training or in paper format upon request.
Can't make this webinar? ISTA will be offering a Fall training session on October 13, 2021.
ISTA will be offering a Certified Packaging Laboratory Professional (CPLP) Technologist training webinar on June 30th. The CPLP program recognizes the development and excellence in packaging laboratory professionals. CPLP certification is particularly valuable for enhancing the credibility of people involved with ISTA testing and ISTA certified laboratory operations. Larry Dull, ISTA's Lead Instructor and who is also a CPLP-Professional will conduct the training. The exam will be available online after the training or in paper format upon request.
Can't make this webinar? ISTA will be offering a Fall training session on November 10, 2021.
New for ISTA Certified Laboratories and Members offering Packaging Services: Now you can add your company logo to your listing. Increase your visibility and help your customers find you on one of the most visited pages of the ISTA website. Add your company logo to your listing that appears in this search tool. ($200 annual fee).
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ISTA InTouch E-Newsletter - June 2021 |