We are thrilled to present the 2024 ISTA China Packaging Symposium to be held on September 4-6 at the Wyndham Shanghai Nanxiang in Shanghai, China. The Symposium is hosted by the International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) and ISTA China, and co-organized by China Packaging Research and Testing Center, China Packaging Research Institute Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Shunqixiang Information Technology Service Co., Ltd.
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Please note that all symposium presentations will be delivered in Chinese only, with no simultaneous interpretation available. However, separate screens will display the content in both Chinese and English.
年会日程 Schedule
年会日程 | ||
2024年9月4日星期三 | ||
时间 | 内容 | 地点 |
09:00-20:00 | 签到注册 | 一楼大堂 上海南翔温德姆酒店 |
09:00-13:00 | 2024ISTA中国运输包装设计大赛决赛 | M49会议室 上海新国际博览中心N5馆 |
13:30-17:00 | “包装用发泡材料的物流供应链降本与回收再利用”论坛 | M50会议室 上海新国际博览中心N5馆 |
19:00-20:00 | 展商布置展位 | 三楼 上海南翔温德姆酒店 |
2024年9月5日星期四 | ||
时间 | 内容 | 地点 |
08:30-09:00 | 参会补注册 | 一楼大堂 上海南翔温德姆酒店 |
07:00-08:00 | 展商补布置展位 | 三楼 上海南翔温德姆酒店 |
08:30-09:00 | 年会开幕,主办方致辞 | 云翔厅 三楼 上海南翔温德姆酒店 |
09:00-09:30 | 大型试件MIMO振动试验与控制 姚金勇 北京航空航天大学 | |
09:30-10:00 | 先进的ISTA愿景源自行业合作与持续研究 Eric Hiser ISTA | |
10:00-10:15 | 茶歇、商务交流 | 三楼 上海南翔温德姆酒店 |
10:15-10:45 | 快消品各流通渠道的振动路谱和跌落冲击 葛长风 罗切斯特理工学院 | 云翔厅 三楼 上海南翔温德姆酒店 |
10:45-11:15 | 冰箱物流环境采集,测试及脆值改善全流程在美的冰箱产品研发中的价值 马宁 合肥美的冰箱有限公司 | |
11:15-11.45 | 多元包装技术手段助力运输包装件降本增效案例分享 杨帅 中包包装研究院有限公司 | |
11:45-12:00 | 微讨论主题-运输包装数据采集与分析应用 | |
12:00-13:30 | 午餐&午休 | 悦餐厅 一楼 上海南翔温德姆酒店 |
13:30-14:00 | 探讨运输包装的可持续性及解决方案 陈冠宇 SGS 通标标准技术服务有限公司 | 云翔厅 三楼 上海南翔温德姆酒店 |
14:00-14:30 | 托盘型控温控湿运输解决方案 胡树安 上海元廷科技有限公司 | |
14:30-15:00 | 顺丰冷链包装创新实践 路鹏 顺丰集团 | |
15:00-15:30 | 无人机医疗运输专用温控箱设计 赵亮 杭州迅蚁网络科技有限公司 | |
15:30-16:00 | 茶歇、商务交流 | 三楼 上海南翔温德姆酒店 |
16:00-16:30 | 科学、合理的选择物流循环包装 黄昌海 上海市包装技术协会 | 云翔厅 三楼 上海南翔温德姆酒店 |
16:30-17:00 | 家电可视化透明包装减少资源浪费改善环境的探索实践 王阳超 青岛海尔洗衣机有限公司 | |
17:00-17:30 | 照明家用灯具包装的设计与试验研究 徐欣 昕诺飞 | |
18:30-20:00 | 2024ISTA中国运输包装设计大赛颁奖及晚宴 | |
2024年9月6日星期五 | ||
时间 | 内容 | 地点 |
09:00-09:30 | 全球范围运输的包装系统开发中测试发挥非常关键的作用 Paul Singh 密歇根州立大学/ Packaging Forensics Associates Inc. | 云翔厅 三楼 上海南翔温德姆酒店 |
09:30-10:00 | 用于记录,分析和报告运输车辆水平加速动力学的创新方法 Eric Joneson Lansmont Corp. | |
10:00-10:30 | 茶歇、商务交流 | 三楼 上海南翔温德姆酒店 |
10:30-11:00 | 探讨多轴振动对运输过程载荷稳定性评估的影响 Jorge Ferrer SAFE LOAD 测试技术 | 云翔厅 三楼 上海南翔温德姆酒店 |
11:00-11:30 | 医疗影像设备运输可靠性的研究 贾东方 上海联影UIH | |
11:30-12:00 | 医疗手术机器人包装设计简析 向文灏 上海微创医疗机器人(集团)股份有限公司 | |
12:00-14:00 | 午餐&午休 | 悦餐厅 一楼 上海南翔温德姆酒店 |
14:00-14:30 | 我国循环包装现状及可持续发展趋势研究 郭鑫 同济大学 | 云翔厅 三楼 上海南翔温德姆酒店 |
14:30-15:00 | 探讨包装企业在现阶段市场挑战环境下的变革破局之路 李楠 IPS Lando | |
15:00-15:30 | 终止塑料污染国际文书谈判第四届会议(INC4)参会观察与供应链趋势分享 马一春 绿色再生塑料供应链联合工作组/澳洲凯马特集团 | |
15:30-16:00 | 微讨论主题-运输包装发展的可持续性 | |
16:00-16:15 | 闭幕致辞 | |
17:30-20:00 | ISTA中国理事会工作会议 | / |
15:30-18:00 | 展商撤展 | 三楼 上海南翔温德姆酒店 |
WEDNESDAY 09/04/2024 | ||
09:00-20:00 | Check-in and Registration | Lobby of hotel Wyndham Shanghai Nanxiang |
09:00-13:00 | 5th ISTA China Transport Packaging Design Competition 2024 Finals | M49 Meeting Room, N5 Hall, Shanghai New International Expo Center |
13:30-17:00 | "Logistics Supply Chain Cost Reduction and Recycling of Foam Materials for Packaging” Seminar | M50 meeting room, N5 Hall, Shanghai New International Expo Center |
19:00-20:00 | Booth Layout for Exhibitor | 3rd Floor of Hotel Wyndham Shanghai Nanxiang |
THURSDAY 09/05/2024 | ||
08:30-09:00 | Registration | Lobby of hotel Wyndham Shanghai Nanxiang |
07:00-08:00 | Booth Layout for Exhibitor | 3rd Floor of Hotel Wyndham Shanghai Nanxiang |
08:30-09:00 | Opening Ceremony | Yun Xiang, 3rd Floor of Hotel Wyndham Shanghai Nanxiang |
09:00-09:30 | MIMO vibration test and control of large specimens Yao Jinyong, Beihang University | |
09:30-10:00 | Advancing ISTA's Vision Through Industry Collaboration and Research Eric Hiser, ISTA | |
10:00-10:15 | Tea Break & Business Chat | 3rd Floor of Hotel Wyndham Shanghai Nanxiang |
10:15-10:45 | Distribution Environment Data Collection: China Changfeng Ge, Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) | Yun Xiang, 3rd Floor of Hotel Wyndham Shanghai Nanxiang |
10:45-11:15 | From transportation enviroNment data collection to test and fragibility improvement: the whole process and the application in refrigerator research Ma Ning, Hefei Midea Refrigerator Co. Ltd. | |
11:15-11.45 | Diversified Packaging Technology Means Boost Efficiency and Reduce Costs for Transport Packaging Tracy Yang, CPRI | |
11:45-12:00 | Wechat in person--Data Collection and Application of Transport Packaging | |
12:00-13:30 | Buffet Lunch & Break | Yue, 1st Floor of Hotel Wyndham Shanghai Nanxiang |
13:30-14:00 | Exploring the Sustainability of Transport Packaging and Its Solutions Birkoff Chen, SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Service Co.,Ltd. | Yun Xiang, 3rd Floor of Hotel Wyndham Shanghai Nanxiang |
14:00-14:30 | Palletized Temperature and Humidity Controlled Transportation Solutions Shuan Hu, Shanghai Yuan Ting Technology Co., Ltd. | |
14:30-15:00 | Innovative Practices of SF in Cold Chain Packaging Lu Peng, S.F.Express Co., Ltd. | |
15:00-15:30 | Design of temperature control box for unmanned aerial vehicle medical transportation Zhao Liang, Hangzhou Antwork Technology Co., Ltd. | |
15:30-16:00 | Tea Break & Business Chat | 3rd Floor of Hotel Wyndham Shanghai Nanxiang |
16:00-16:30 | Scientific and reasonable selection of logistics returnable packaging Ryan HUANG, Shanghai Packaging Technology Association | Yun Xiang, 3rd Floor of Hotel Wyndham Shanghai Nanxiang |
16:30-17:00 | The exploration practice of eco- friendly visual transparent packaging of home appliances to reduce resource waste Yangchao Wang Qingdao Haier Washing Machine Co. LTD | |
17:00-17:30 | Design and Testing Research of Lighting Packaging Xu Xin, Signify | |
18:30-20:00 | 5th ISTA China Transport Packaging Design Competition 2024 Award & Dinner | |
FRIDAY 09/06/2024 | ||
09:00-09:30 | ROLE OF TESTING IS VERY CRITICAL FOR DEVELOPING PACKAGING SYSTEMS FOR GLOBAL SHIPMENTS Paul Singh, Michigan State University/ Packaging Forensics Associates Inc. | Yun Xiang, 3rd Floor of Hotel Wyndham Shanghai Nanxiang |
09:30-10:00 | Innovative Method Used to Measure, Analyze and Report on Transport Vehicle Horizontal Acceleration Dynamics Eric Joneson, Lansmont Corp. | |
10:00-10:30 | Tea Break & Business Chat | 3rd Floor of Hotel Wyndham Shanghai Nanxiang |
10:30-11:00 | Exploring the Effect of Multiaxial Vibrations on Load Stability Assessment During Transportation Jorge Ferrer, SAFE LOAD TESTING TECHNOLOGIES | Yun Xiang, 3rd Floor of Hotel Wyndham Shanghai Nanxiang |
11:00-11:30 | Research on Transportation Reliability of Medical Imaging Equipment Jia Dongfang, Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare Co., Ltd.(UIH) | |
11:30-12:00 | Brief Analysis of Robotically Assisted Surgical System packaging design Xiang Wenhao, Shanghai MicroPort Medbot (Group) Co.,Ltd | |
12:00-14:00 | Buffet Lunch & Break | Yue, 1st Floor of Hotel Wyndham Shanghai Nanxiang |
14:00-14:30 | Study on the Current Status and Sustainable Development Trends of Circulating Packaging Box in China Xin Guo, Tongji university | Yun Xiang, 3rd Floor of Hotel Wyndham Shanghai Nanxiang |
14:30-15:00 | Discuss about the way to change for packaging enterprises in the current market environment Li Nan, IPS Lando | |
15:00-15:30 | Observation of Inter-governmental Negotiation Committee (INC) on plastic pollution and the impact of industry Jason Ma, Green Recycled Plastics Supply Chain Group/ Kmart Group | |
15:30-16:00 | Wechat in person-Sustainability of Transport Packaging Development | |
16:00-16:15 | Closing Words | |
17:30-20:00 | ISTA China Board Meeting | |
15:30-18:00 | Booth Move-out | 3rd Floor of Hotel Wyndham Shanghai Nanxiang |
演讲嘉宾与主题摘要 Speakers & Abstracts
Palletized Temperature and Humidity Controlled Transportation Solutions
胡树安, 技术经理, 上海元廷科技有限公司
Shuan Hu, Technical Manager, Shanghai Yuan Ting Technology Co., Ltd.
演示总结 Presentation summary
- 主动温控和被动温控运输方案的对比;
- 如何实现可变的装载内径和操作便捷度;
- 如何控制箱内湿度;
- 如何将箱内温度控制在21~25℃且在在国际运输中保温4-5天;
- 如何做到相变材料不流动不泄漏。
Products such as special electronic components, specialty chemicals and pharmaceuticals have strict requirements for transportation conditions, including temperature and humidity. Long-distance transportation usually uses active temperature control solutions such as thermostatic warehouse, which is more costly and subject to resource constraints. Passive temperature control does not have the risk of power failure, but requires strict evaluation of the temperature control range; due to the special properties of the transported products, it is strictly required that the phase change material must not be leaked, and at the same time, there are high requirements for the dimensional compatibility of the internal payload size. On the technical platform of our full/hall stack pallet container, this palletized temperature and humidity control transportation solution is created through a series of steps, such as enlargement of the size, customized development of phase change material, changes in the initial physical state of phase change material, and changes in the loading mode of phase change material.
- Comparison of active and passive temperature controlled transportation solutions;
- How to realize variable payload size and operation convenience;
- How to control the humidity inside the box;
- How to control the temperature inside the container at 21~25 ℃ and keep it for 4-5 days in international transportation;
- How to achieve the phase change material does not flow and does not leak.
上海大学包装工程(本科),英国林肯大学物流管理(硕士研究生)。毕业后入职上海生生物流,先后在运营中心、质量中心、方案与培训部工作,现任职上海生生全资子公司--上海元廷技术经理,开发多系列基于真空绝热板和相变材料的医药冷链运输包装和其他行业定制化冷链运输包装方案,并具备生产工艺、质量体系管理、ISTA 7D测试等相关工作技能。曾获得中国包装创意设计大赛三等奖;曾参与制定国家标准《真空绝热板有效导热系数的测定》。
Biography: Packaging Engineering in Shanghai University (Bachelor's Degree), Logistics Management in University of Lincoln (Master's Degree). After graduation, he joined Shanghai Shengsheng Logistics, worked in the operation center, quality center, solutions and training department successively. Now he is the technical manager of Shanghai Yuanting, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shanghai Shengsheng, he developed several series of pharmaceutical cold chain transportation packaging based on vacuum insulation panel and phase change material, and customized cold chain transportation packaging solutions for other industries. He also possesses the skills of production process, quality system management, and ISTA 7D testing. He has been won the third prize in the China Creative Packaging Design Award, and he has participated in the formulation of the national standard “Determination of effective thermal conductivity for vacuum insulation panels(VIP)”.
Design and Testing Research of Lighting Packaging
徐欣, 全球包装卓越中心-包装技术经理/专家, 昕诺飞
Xu Xin, Global Packaging Centre of Excellence - Packaging Technology Manager/Expert, Signify
演示总结 Presentation summary
- 产品的特性与包装的匹;
- 运输状况与试验的选择;
- 影响包装稳定性的因素和试验验证。
Challenges for home lighting products during express and storage:Packaging design principles introduce the selection of materials and design structures based on product characteristics, and how these choices affect the safety of products during transportation. Problems in packaging testing standards and methods (such as the impact of climate/logistics/warehousing/material differences, etc.), explain the purpose and execution of different testing methods, and understand how to verify the effectiveness of packaging design. Through such innovations in packaging design and testing, it is in line with the trend of green and sustainable development of packaging in the future, and these is a very important role in reducing damage and complaints caused by packaging in transportation.
- Matching Product Characteristics with Packaging;
- Selection of Transportation Conditions and Tests;
- Factors affecting package stability and test verification.
Biography: Xu Xin joined Philips in 1997, as a Packaging Technology Manager/Expert. He is responsible for designing packaging for various products, developing green and sustainable packaging solutions, and conducting product packaging tests and risk assessments. His professional capabilities in the packaging field are highly recognized in the industry. He possesses specialized skills in packaging design and engineering, and has extensive experience in packaging testing standards and audit requirements. Xu also excels in supplier management and warehouse logistics management. Additionally, he has published numerous important papers in professional packaging journals and has received multiple awards for packaging design. He serves as a senior professional judge in various industry activities and delivers keynote speeches at numerous domestic and international packaging forums and summits. Xu also holds positions as an expert/member and director in several national packaging associations and organizations.
Design of temperature control box for unmanned aerial vehicle medical transportation
赵亮, 联合创始人/首席产品官, 杭州迅蚁网络科技有限公司
Zhao Liang, Co-founder, Chief Products Officer, Hangzhou Antwork Technology Co., Ltd.演示总结 Presentation summary
- 无人机医疗运输专用温控箱是低空运输过程中针对血液等具有严苛温控要求的特殊物资设计的首款“低空集装箱”;
- 为适应低空飞行轻量化、高安全性、实时监控需求,箱体还具备轻质、抗坠、广域通信等特性。
The development of low altitude economy is accelerating, and drone logistics transportation is the most important low altitude application scenario. The packaging technology of drone transportation is also an important part of it. The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) medical transportation dedicated temperature control box is the first "low altitude container" designed for special materials with strict temperature control requirements such as blood during low altitude transportation. As the pioneer of urban air logistics in China, the R&D unit Antwork has now operated more than 200 commercial routes in nearly 30 cities, and has designed and developed it through the service experience of more than 100 medical institutions such as Zhejiang Blood Center and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, as well as the experience of more than 100000 safe flights, realizing accurate temperature control, easy disinfection and sterilization and traceability throughout the transportation process in multi temperature areas. At the same time, to meet the requirements of lightweight, high safety, and real-time monitoring in low altitude flight, the box also has characteristics such as lightweight, anti fall, and wide area communication.
- The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) medical transportation dedicated temperature control box is the first "low altitude container" designed for special materials with strict temperature control requirements such as blood during low altitude transportation;
- To meet the requirements of lightweight, high safety, and real-time monitoring in low altitude flight, the box also has characteristics such as lightweight, anti fall, and wide area communication.
Biography: Graduated from the Aerospace Design major at Beihang University. Co founder of Antwork, responsible for product design related work in the company. Consultant expert of the UAV Working Group of the Civil Aviation Administration of China; Leader of multiple drone industry standards,
The Exploration Practice of Eco-friendly Visual Transparent Packaging of Home Appliances to Reduce Resource Waste
王阳超, 重庆滚筒制造中心高级质量工程师, 青岛海尔洗衣机有限公司, 海尔智家高级质量工程师
Yangchao Wang, Senior Quality Engineer of Haier Chongqing Drum Wahing Co,.ltd, Qingdao Haier Washing Machine Co. LTD演示总结 Presentation summary
- 一种新的家电透明包装方案,减少纸张使用,节约资源、促进环保,满足顾客需求;
- 该项目的实施方式。
Through the application of this project, the domestic transparent packaging application market is opened, and the transparent packaging will play a demonstration role, so as to radiate to other industries and provide a reference path for the green development of the packaging industry. The transparent packaging scheme of Haier washing machine reduces the paper consumption by 90% and the defect rate of appearance damage decreases by 70%. The total switch of transparent packaging in the washing industry is expected to reduce the use of 560,000 tons of base paper every year, that is, reduce the use of 1.74 million m³ wood, equivalent to reducing the felling of 37,500 hectares of trees. Under the influence of Haier's washing industry, the company promoted the introduction of transparent packaging to transparent packaging and air conditioning industries, which is equivalent to reducing deforestation by 162,600 hectares every year and achieving the goal of sustainable development.
- A new transparent packaging scheme for home appliances, reduce the use of paper, save resources, promote environmental protection, to meet customer needs;
- Implementation method of the project.
Biography: Senior Quality Engineer of Haier Smart Home\ Group owner of DWM transport damage quality improvement . Initiated Haier transport damage improvement three-step method: short-term - focus on transportation scene improvement → medium term - focus on product structure optimization → long-term - focus on transportation standards upgrade. Engaged in drum washing machine transportation damage research for several years, participated in the formulation of packaging testing, packaging materials and other related standards. With packaging research and development, manufacturing, transportation and other goods damage whole value chain quality management experience
Research on Transportation Reliability of Medical Imaging Equipment
贾东方, 可靠性技术负责人, 上海联影UIH
Jia Dongfang, Reliability Technical Leader, Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare Co., Ltd.(UIH)演示总结 Presentation summary
- 医疗影像设备抗振,耐冲击能力有限,但现实的运输场景对其要求越来越高;
- 运输可靠性需要闭环,包含需求分析,设计防护,和试验验证三个方面;
- 需求分析多为潜在需求,且包含环境剖面和失效应力;
- 设计防护包含产品和包装的设计,也包含运输工具改善;
- 试验验证需与需求分析闭环,实现定量验证。
In recent years, with the rapid development of domestic medical imaging equipment and the continuous improvement of the product chain, domestically produced medical imaging equipment has been widely sold not only to various grassroots hospitals in China, but also to various locations around the world. This means that medical imaging equipment is now faced with more complex and challenging transportation scenarios. It is well known that medical imaging equipment itself is valuable, heavy, and delicate, and these complex and challenging transportation scenarios pose great challenges to it. This research utilizes systematic reliability technology and theory to study the realization of the reliability technology of medical imaging equipment and its packaging from the perspective of transportation. Firstly, requirements analysis establishes potential core requirements based on the market, and analyzes the possible environmental profiles and primary failure stresses. Secondly, targeted design or protection measures are taken against the major failure stresses, including the design protection of products and packaging, as well as the improvement of transportation tools. Finally, quantitative verification corresponding to the requirements is established for the packaged products, ultimately realizing a closed loop of reliability from requirements to verification, and reducing the potential losses that may occur during actual transportation of the products.
- Medical imaging equipment has limited anti-vibration and shock resistance, but the real transportation scenarios require higher standards;
- Transportation reliability requires a closed loop, including requirements analysis, design protection, and testing verification;
- Requirements analysis is often potential and includes environmental profiles and failure stresses;
- Design protection includes the design of products and packaging, as well as the improvement of transportation tools;
- Testing verification needs to be a closed loop with requirements analysis, achieving quantitative verification.
Biography: I graduated from Shanghai University in 2010 with a master's degree, and joined Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare Co., Ltd. (UIH) in 2011. I have been engaged in research and development as well as reliability technology work, and am currently the leader of reliability technology at UIH. I have established a systematic technical system for reliability at UIH, covering the entire life cycle of reliability from storage, transportation, production to use. During this period, successful reliability technology solutions were provided for the vehicular and shipborne adaptation of 9 products including CT, PET-CT, and DR. I also led 7 products including CT, PET-CT, and DR to pass the most critical seismic test OSP seismic certification of California. I have obtained multiple invention and utility model patents, and successfully completed the 13th Five-Year "National Key R&D Program - Digital Medical Equipment R&D Key Special Project" of the Ministry of Science and Technology as a technical backbone. I have also participated in the drafting of 5 industry and group standards, and won the second prize of the "Shanghai Quality Association Quality Technology Award".
Scientific and reasonable selection of logistics returnable packaging
黄昌海, 副秘书长/物流包装专委会秘书长, 上海市包装技术协会, 正高级工程师(教授级)(轻工产品设计、制造与智能技术应用方向),硕士。
Ryan Huang, Deputy Secretary General/Secretary General of Logistic Packaging Committee, Shanghai Packaging Technology Association演示总结 Presentation summary
- 物流循环包装的定义;
- 物流循环包装的全流程;
- 物流循环包装的成本构成;
- 《循环包装选择使用的评价和计算方法》团标介绍;
- 案例分析。
Returnable packaging solutions for logistics have considerable advantages in the current dual-carbon and circular economy situation, whether from the use and consumption of raw material resources, or in the total cost per unit; It has great replaceable ability for disposable packaging under specific conditions. Many companies simply think that a set of packaging used 10 times will be equivalent to 1/10 of the cost, in fact, how to choose returnable packaging solutions, is the need to use a scientific attitude to face and plan. This report will rely on the content of the group standard "Evaluation and calculation method of returnable packaging selection", introduce how to make a scientific and reasonable choice between disposable packaging and returnable packaging schemes, and introduce the solution of intelligent recycling packaging.
- The definition of logistics returnable packaging;
- The whole process of logistics returnable packaging;
- The cost of logistics returnable packaging;
- "Evaluation and Calculation Method of Returnable Packaging Selection" group standard introduction; Case Study.
20年+物流运输包装行业工作经验,擅长整体包装解决方案设计、运输包装测试与实验室管理、包装材料应用型研究与开发,现主要从事包装结构设计方案信息化、包装技术咨询与培训,以及协会工作。任上海市包装技术协会副秘书长 & 物流包装委秘书长、《上海包装》杂志主编;
ISTA 中国区教育委员会副主席及高级培训课程(APDTC)特邀讲师。
Biography: Professorate Sn. Engr.(Light industrial product design, manufacturing and intelligent technology application) / Master . Morn than 20 years working experience in transportation packaging industry, good at total packaging solution design, transportation packaging testing and lab management, packaging materials applied research and development. Now mainly engaged in packaging structure design scheme information, packaging technology consulting and training, and association work. Deputy Secretary General of Shanghai Packaging Technology Association & Secretary General of Logistics Packaging Committee, editor-in-chief of Shanghai Packaging magazine; Vice President of ISTA China Regional Education Committee and guest lecturer of Advanced Training Course (APDTC)
Exploring the Sustainability of Transport Packaging and Its Solutions
陈冠宇, 轻工产品服务, 全球可持续发展服务项目经理, SGS 通标标准技术服务有限公司
Birkoff Chen, Global Hardlines Product Manager – Sustainability, SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Service Co.,Ltd.演示总结 Presentation summary
- 环保vs实用:通过运输包装案例分析塑料包装的双面性;
- 循环经济的核心:从运输包装出发,探索塑料回收的可能性;
- 绿色承诺的真伪辨析:以运输包装为例,验证环境宣称的真实性;
- 科技与环保:通过运输包装案例,着力于鉴别回收材料包装的性能。
Explores the contradiction between environmental protection and practicality in plastic packaging, the core concept of the circular economy, the validity of environmental claims, and the application of technology in assessing the performance of recycled materials. 1.
- Environmental Protection vs Practicality: Through the case study of transport packaging, we analyze the dual nature of plastic packaging: Transport packaging broadly adopts plastic materials due to their durability, lightness, and waterproof characteristics, bringing about high practical value. However, the production, use, and waste disposal processes of plastic transport packaging also pose serious environmental problems. We need to explore how plastic transport packaging can achieve better performance in environmental protection while achieving practical functions.
- The core of the circular economy: Starting with transport packaging, explore the feasibility of plastic recycling: The extensive use and waste of transport packaging make it a key object for plastic recycling. By evaluating the recycling content and recyclability of transport packaging, we can clarify its value in resource recycling and improve its recyclability through improved design, thereby promoting the development of a circular economy.
- Authenticity of green claims: Verify the authenticity of environmental claims: Various transport packaging manufacturers are making environmental promises to enhance their brand image. However, whether these environmental promises are true needs to be validated through strict environmental claims verification. The systematic assessment of the lifecycle environmental impact of its products or services by a third party can ensure the truthfulness and credibility of its claims.
- Technology and Environmental Protection: The focus is on identifying the performance of recycled material packaging: Advances in technology provide the possibility for evaluating and improving the recycling of plastic packaging, particularly in identifying the physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of recycled transport packaging materials. This not only helps in evaluating their reuse value, but also improves their treatment process.
- Environment vs. Utility: Analyzing the Dual Nature of Plastic Packaging through Transport Packaging Cases
- The Core of the Circular Economy: Exploring the Possibility of Plastic Recycling from the Perspective of Transport Packaging
- Distinguishing between Genuine and False Green Promises: Verifying the Authenticity of Environmental Claims using Transport Packaging as an Example
- Technology and Environmental Protection: Identifying the Performance of Recycled Material Packaging through Transport Packaging Cases
Biography: Helps quality and product development professionals in the Toys and Hardgoods segments to develop and launch their products to various global markets. Upon taking on the role of Sustainability Product Manager in 2023, he continues to formulate business strategies, incorporating innovation and process improvement and pursuing quality excellence in supply-chain management.
Innovative Practices of SF in Cold Chain Packaging
路鹏, 顺丰包装研发创新实验室负责人, 顺丰集团
Lu Peng, Head of SF Packaging R&D Innovation Laboratory, S.F.Express Co., Ltd.演示总结 Presentation summary
Mainly introduce SF's innovative practices and exploration in cold chain packaging. Innovations in cold chain packaging solutions and research on cold chain standards. Overall planning the packaging innovation work of SF Group, building the company's green packaging system framework, and participating in the formulation of multiple industry standards.
Coordinated the packaging innovation efforts for SF Group, established the company's green packaging system framework, and participated in the formulation of multiple industry standards.
Distribution Environment Data Collection: China
葛长风, 教授, 罗切斯特理工学院
Changfeng Ge, Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)Presentation summary
This presentation reports the data collection and analyze regarding drops, shocks, and vehicle vibrations encountered during the distribution of Consumer Packaged Goods (CPGs) along representative routes in China.
- Understand of how to collect the distribution data and provide analysis
- Understand vibration profles of different transport means
- Understand the drop/shock data during the distribution
1983年毕业于同济大学机械工程系; 1992年获德国多特蒙德大学机械工程博士。1993年应聘新加坡工业研究院,任高级工程师。2005年至今,供职美国罗切斯特理工学院包装工程系,任终身正教授。
Biography: Professor in Packaging Science at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). He received his Doctor of Engineering degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Dortmund, Germany, and holds Master and Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from Tongji University, China. Dr Ge joined RIT in 2005 and has served as the founding director of the APC Center for Packaging Innovation at RIT since 2008. Prior to joining RIT, Dr Ge worked as Senior Engineer in Singapore Institute of Industrial Research.
Diversified Packaging Technology Means Boost Efficiency and Reduce Costs for Transport Packaging
杨帅, 业务支持部副部长, 中包包装研究院有限公司
Tracy Yang, Deputy Director of Business Support Department, CPRI演示总结 Presentation summary
- 减货损:常见货损原因及解决手段,应用案例分享;
- 减成本:常见降本手段,应用案例分享;
- 多元包装技术手段的应用:包装仿真、数据采集、包装设计、包装验证、包装规范化的具体作用,案例展示。
As global supply chains become more intricate, the transportation and packaging industry confronts the dual challenge of cost reduction and efficiency enhancement. This presentation will examine the role of various packaging techniques in meeting these objectives through a series of case studies. The primary issues currently facing the transportation packaging industry are the reduction of cargo damage and cost reduction. The presentation will focus on these issues, sharing emblematic subcontracting cases. By applying diversified digital packaging technologies, it assists enterprises in precisely identifying the causes of problems and discovering solutions.
- Reducing cargo damage: Common causes and solutions for cargo damage, with application case sharing;
- Cost reduction: Common cost reduction methods, with application case sharing;
- The application of diversified packaging technology: specific roles in packaging simulation, data collection, packaging design, packaging verification, and packaging standardization, demonstrated through case studies.
Biography: Graduated from Tianjin University of Science and Technology in 2015 with a Master's degree in Packaging. I have been working at CPRI until now, serving as a Senior R&D Engineer and Director of Business Support Department. We provide packaging consulting services such as cost reduction and efficiency improvement for industries such as new energy vehicles, home appliances, and healthcare through packaging simulation technology, logistics data collection, and packaging standard revision.
Study on the Current Status and Sustainable Development Trends of Circulating Packaging Box in China
郭鑫, 博士生, 同济大学
Xin Guo, PhD Candidate, Tongji University演示总结 Presentation summary
- 快递包装已进入“千亿件”时代,其中循环包装市场规模将达2000-3000亿,亟需“降本+增效+减碳”的循环包装系统解决方案
- 目前循环包装强度性能要求与材料生命周期存在不匹配问题
- 循环包装存在环境负荷问题转移现象
- 求解循环包装“保护性能+环境效益+经济效益”最优解能实现效益最大化。
The rapid development of China's express delivery industry has entered the "100 billion parcels" era as of 2021. Express packaging waste has become a major contributor to the increase in urban household garbage, leading to serious issues of resource wastage and environmental pollution. Promoting the green transition of express packaging based on circular economy principles—achieving cost reduction, efficiency improvement, and carbon reduction—has become the primary development direction. Several policy documents in China have also set quantitative goals for the development of circular packaging. However, the current circular packaging system needs improvement, consumer awareness of recycling is not yet established, the recycling mechanisms are not well developed, and there are gaps in relevant testing standards and environmental impact assessment methods. Therefore, this study, grounded in circular economy and value engineering concepts, aims to propose a design approach to achieve the optimal solution for "protection performance, environmental benefits, and economic benefits" of circular packaging in different scenarios (2B and 2C). Additionally, it will propose a method for accounting the environmental benefits of circular packaging that can be driven by policy.
- The express packaging industry has entered the "100 billion parcels" era, with the circular packaging market projected to reach a scale of 200 to 300 billion. There is an urgent need for a circular packaging system solution that combines cost reduction, efficiency improvement, and carbon reduction.
- Currently, there is a mismatch between the strength performance requirements of circular packaging and the lifecycle of materials.
- Circular packaging exhibits a phenomenon of environmental burden shifting.
- Solving for the optimal solution of circular packaging in terms of "protection performance, environmental benefits, and economic benefits" can maximize overall benefits.
本硕包装工程专业,现就读于同济大学,专注循环包装在政策、技术、商业模式方面的研究。通过研究包装功能、经济效益、环境效益的协同作用,推动我国快递包装可持续发展。发表SCI论文5篇,WPO WorldStar Student Awards获得者,中国产品全生命周期温室气体排放系数库共建作者。
Biography: Xin Guo completed his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Packaging Engineering and is currently pursuing further studies at Tongji University. His research focuses on circulating packaging box, exploring its policy implications, technological advancements, and business models. By examining the synergy between packaging functionality, economic benefits, and environmental impact, he aims to promote the sustainable development of express packaging in China. He has published five SCI papers and is a recipient of the WPO WorldStar Student Awards. Additionally, he is a co-author of China Products Carbon Footprint Factors Database.
Observation of Inter-governmental Negotiation Committee (INC) on Plastic Pollution and the Impact of Industry
马一春, 应用小组副组长/亚太可持续发展高级经理, 绿色再生塑料供应链联合工作组/澳洲凯马特集团
Jason Ma, Deputy Lead/ Senior Regional Manager – Sustainability, Green Recycled Plastics Supply Chain Group/ Kmart Group
演示总结 Presentation summary
- 联合国环境署塑料污染谈判对塑料包装的影响
- 产业链在应对变成中的挑战与机遇
- 供应链与政策应对案例分享。
Plastic pollution has become a global priority sustainable development issue along with global warming. Major economies and brands have also prioritized this topic in their respective policies and commitments. The Fourth Session of the Negotiations on an International Instrument to End Plastic Pollution (INC4) was held in Canada at the end of April this year. It focused on the design of plastic products and packaging, and the restricted use of materials and chemicals. It demonstrated the ambition of the United Nations Environment Programme to end plastic pollution. During the negotiation process, it also demonstrated the complexity of the supply chain and the challenges of implementation in reality. The supply chain of raw materials and packaging companies also made the industry's voice during the negotiations. How to actively respond to regulatory challenges and self-innovation is imperative. Bring inspiration to the industry through sharing of innovation, industrial policy responses and real supply chain cases.
- The impact of the UN Environment Programme's plastic pollution negotiations on plastic packaging
- Challenges and opportunities in the industry chain in dealing with changes
- Supply chain and policy response case sharing
马先生是一位在多领域有可持续发展经验的专家,致力于循环经济产品研发以及供应链管理。加入Kmart之前,马先生曾于国际知名咨询公司以及多个欧洲零售企业工作,担任技术经理与可持续发展专家,协助可持续发展平台建立以及可持续发展理念的传递, 同时也是绿色再生塑料供应链应用小组副组长,PINFA中国无卤阻燃协会可持续发展顾问。马先生本科毕业于华东理工大学,获得精细化工专业学士学位,于美国新泽西理工大学获得化学专业硕士学位,东华大学高分子在职博士,交通大学中英低碳学院研究生产业导师。
Biography: Mr. Ma is the expert on sustainability who has the experience across various industries, supporting circular economy on product innovation and supply chain delivery. Before joining Kmart, he used to be the technical manager of the world famous consulting company, and EU retailers on sustainability platform development and sustainable concept delivery, meanwhile as the deputy lead of Geen Plastic Recycling Group, and Sustainability consultant of PINFA (Halogen Free Flame Retardant Association) China. Mr. Ma holds the master degree in Chemical of New Jersey Institute of Technology and a bachelor degree in Fine chemistry of East China University of Science and Technology, PHD candidate of Donghua University in Advanced Material, Industry advisor of Jiao Tong University – China & UK Low Carbon School .
From Transportation Environment Data Collection to Test and Fragility Improvement: The Whole Process and the Application in Refrigerator Research
马宁, 固体力学实验室负责人/可靠性专家, 合肥美的冰箱有限公司
Ma Ning, Direction of Solid Mechanics Lab/Chief Reliability Engineer, Hefei Midea Refrigerator Co. Ltd.
演示总结 Presentation summary
- 冰箱全流程物流环境危害因子采集方法及过程
- 基于物流环境采集数据的物流运输测试方法改进研究
- 冰箱脆值测试与仿真方法研究及基于此的脆值改善实践。
With the trend of high capacity, thin cabinet for high valued refrigerator, the transportation process may have more impact on the refrigerator body. It will be more important for us to put more attention on the transportation environment, making the transportation environment factor map. Based on this, we can improve the test level and reliability for refrigerator products, make better package design and finally improve the whole product reliability.
- The whole process for the data collection for the whole transportation process for refrigerator .
- The experiment research work based on the transportation environments data collection.
- The refrigerator fragility test and simulation method research and the following fragility improvement application.
Biography: After graduation from Seoul National University as a PhD in 2010, I joined Samsung Electronics as a senior research staff. From 2012, working as the reliability expert in Hyundai Group. Since 2019, I joined Midea Group in charge of mechanics reliability, package simulation, test and reliability improvement. Now, as the Direction of Solid Mechanics Lab, mainly take in charge of package simulation and improvement, solid mechanics improvement, multi-body kinematics and impact behavior research.
Innovative Method Used to Measure, Analyze and Report on Transport Vehicle Horizontal Acceleration Dynamicsn
Eric Joneson, 技术副总裁, Lansmont Corp.
Eric Joneson, VP Technology, Lansmont Corp.演示总结 Presentation summary
摘要:与常见的通过事件触发采集数据的方法相比,将GPS的信息和基于整个运输过程中连续的DC三轴向加速度数据同步具有更多优势。使用连续的加速度数据,无论车辆动作的持续时间长短或加速度水平高低,都不可能错过对车辆加速、制动或转弯活动的记录。生成的数据文件可以在运输过程之后以多种方式进行分析,以便找出不同类型的数据。GPS 信息可用于显示车辆何时加速、减速或转弯。由于 GPS 和三轴加速度记录是同步的,因此 GPS 数据指向这些车辆动作的加速度数据,所有这些都不需要用加速度信号来触发记录。
Recording GPS information synchronized with contiguous DC triaxial acceleration data on a continuous basis for the duration of a trip has several advantages over the more common event driven data collection method. Using contiguous acceleration data, there is no possibility of missing a vehicle acceleration, braking, or turning activity, no matter how long the duration of the activity, or how low the acceleration level. The resulting data file can be analyzed post-trip in multiple ways to look for different types of data. GPS information shows when the vehicle speeds up, slows down, or turns. Since GPS and triaxial acceleration recording is synchronized, GPS data points to the acceleration data for these activities, all without an acceleration trigger level required. Through a more comprehensive analysis of those dynamics, laboratory test procedures can be developed to simulate the worst-of-normal characterizations of those dynamics.
Joneson是密歇根州立大学包装学士学位,在运输包装,供应链动态测量和分析以及实验室测试应用领域拥有丰富的经验。他是国际包装研究所协会(IAPRI)和国际安全运输协会全球董事会的成员,也是ISTA倡导委员会的Lansmont代表。他参加了ASTM D10包装委员会并做出了贡献。Joneson代表Lansmont通过各种包装研究机构和大学支持全球研究计划。
Biography: Joneson holds a B.S. in Packaging from Michigan State University and has an extended experience in areas of transportation packaging, supply chain dynamics measurement and analysis and laboratory testing applications. He is a member of both the International Association of Packaging Research Institutes (IAPRI) and the International Safe Transit Association’s Global Board of Directors, as well as Lansmont’s Delegate of the ISTA Advocate Council. He participates and contributes within ASTM Committee D10 on Packaging. Joneson represents Lansmont as they support global research initiatives through various Packaging Research Institutes and Universities.
MIMO Vibration Test and Control of Large Specimens
姚金勇, 副教授 , 北京航空航天大学
Yao Jinyong, Associate Professor, Beihang University演示总结 Presentation summary
Multi-point excitation vibration test control technology is the key technology to carry out reliability and environmental tests on large and complex specimens. This paper reviews the control theory and technology of multi-point excitation random vibration. This paper analyzes and discusses the advanced control theory, technology and development trend at home and abroad in this field, focuses on the mutual coupling problem of the system and the design of the coupling controller for the multi-input multi-output vibration control system, compares the control effect of various feedback control schemes and the control performance of the typical multi-axis random vibration closed-loop control algorithm. This paper introduces a nonlinear power spectrum smoothing method that combines wavelet threshold theory with classical period graph estimation, improves the resolution of traditional estimation method without increasing the number of data samples, and significantly reduces the power spectrum jitter in the passband.
- Test conditions and physical realizability judgment of multi-axis vibration
- Decoupling compensation control of multi-axis vibration
- Difficulties of multi-axis vibration control and improvement methods of control accuracy
Biography: He is currently an associate professor at the School of Reliability and Systems Engineering/Environment and Reliability Teaching and Research Center of Beihang University. Mainly engaged in product reliability engineering, product environment engineering, safety engineering system engineering, advanced test technology research, preresearch, aviation fund, Ministry of Science and Technology 04 major project, Ministry of Science and Technology Z018 special project, 973 national major project, COMAC large aircraft special project. Draft national standards such as GJB150.24A temperature - humidity - vibration - Height Test and Large specimen sand and Dust Test. Currently, he is a member of the Chinese Society of Systems Engineering and a member of TC122/SC2 of the Vibration Equipment sub-committee of the China Testing Machine Standardization Committee. He has published more than 40 SCI and EI papers in core journals and related conferences, obtained more than 20 patents, won one Science and Technology Progress Award of Machinery Industry Federation, one second prize and two third prizes of Science and Technology Progress Award of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.
Discuss the Way to Change for Packaging enterprises in the Current Market Environment
李楠, 技术创新和可持续发展部经理, IPS Lando
Li Nan, Manager, Technology Innovation and Sustainability Development, IPS Lando演示总结 Presentation summary
- 包装企业在推行可持续发展项目中,在环保新材料和包装方案设计的创新与研发,专属设备的研发与改进等等的应用分享
- 包装生产过程中的节能减排的措施,生产工艺过程的优化及产品结构设计和包装应用场景匹配的探索
- 包装企业全球化过程中遇到的各种挑战及解决方案的探讨
- 包装企业,品牌用户、院校机构多方配合的倡议,主动承担社会责任,推动行业低碳减塑的行动。
In recent years, with the advent of the post-COVID era, coupled with the impact of supply chain transfers and the weak global economic trend, the survival and development space of packaging companies has been greatly challenged. In addition, more and more packaging users have more personalized and higher requirements for product packaging. The previous extensive large-scale production business model and single-function packaging solutions are no longer suitable for the current new market environment. Therefore, how to change to open up a business model that adapts to the environment and the market and provide customers with forward-looking and sustainable solutions has become an urgent need.
- Innovation and development of new environmentally friendly materials and packaging designs, as well as relevant supporting production equipment during "green"project
- Exploration of CO2 emission reduction in manufacturing, optimization of production processes, packaging structure design and applications.
- Examples of of challenges and solutions by packaging enterprises in the process of globalization.
- Proposal for collaboration by packaging company, brand user, organization and universities. Socially responsible actions for sustainable development and low carbon and plastics reduction.
毕业于上海交通大学,从事物流和包装工作超过25年。现任IPS 兰多包装技术创新和可持续发展部经理。负责可持续发展新材料和结构的研发与ESG等相关工作。 曾任西门子移动通信产品包装工程师,诺基亚移动通信全球产品包装研发设计部项目经理和中国团队负责人。同时参与为诺基亚制定相关包装测试标准与审核要求。并具有供应商管理、仓储物流管理相关协作经验。代表诺基亚参与过多项大客户级别项目,例如参与中国移动绿色包装项目的规则制定和实施。第一届ISTA 设计大奖赛评委。
Biography: Graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, engaged in logistics and packaging for more than 25 years. Manager of the Innovation and Sustainability Development Department of Packaging Technology at IPS Lando now. Responsible for sustainable development of new materials and structures research and development and ESG related work. Has been worked as product packaging engineer at Siemens Mobile networks, global project manager and China team leader at Nokia Mobile networks. Participated in the development of relevant packaging testing standards and audit requirements for Nokia. And have supplier management, warehousing and logistics management related cooperation experience. Represented Nokia in a number of major customer level projects, such as participating in the rule-making and implementation of China Mobile's green packaging project. Judge of the first ISTA Design Competition.
Advancing ISTA's Vision Through Industry Collaboration and Research
Eric Hiser, 标准与认证, ISTA副主席
Eric Hiser, Vice President, Standards & Certification, ISTA演示总结 Presentation summary
本主题能够让您获得有关ISTA正在开发新资源的情况,这些资源能够帮助您和您的公司创建有效的包装,从而最大限度地减少产品损坏并优化资源使用。ISTA is dedicated to realizing its vision of being the leading global resource for improving our world through transport packaging. In pursuit of this vision, ISTA has partnered with the industry to conduct groundbreaking research, which is then translated into new test protocols and enhancements to existing ones. This collaborative effort has also led to the creation of a world-class data repository, which ISTA and its members can utilize to model distribution more accurately on local, national, and international levels.
This presentation will provide updates on ISTA’s ongoing standards development projects, including a new ecommerce retailer fulfillment test. Additionally, updates will be given on ISTA’s data collection research project in China, as well as research conducted by the ISTA Advocate Research & Value Delivery Program and the ISTA Educational Foundation. Future research priorities will also be discussed.
Gain valuable insights into the new resources ISTA is developing, designed to help you and your company create effective packaging that minimizes product damage and optimizes resource usage.
Eric Hiser负责管理ISTA标准委员会,包括所有技术活动、ISTA程序和项目的开发和维护,以及ISTA实验室、包装产品和人员的认证计划。Eric毕业于密歇根州立大学包装学院,获得包装学学士学位。他在运输包装性能测试以及为消费者包装商品(CPG)市场开发包装方面拥有广泛的背景。
Biography: Eric Hiser is Vice President of Standards & Certification at International Safe Transit Association (ISTA). He manages the ISTA Standards Council including all technical activities, development and maintenance of ISTA Procedures and Projects, and ISTA Certification programs for labs, packaged-products and people. Eric is a graduate of the Michigan State University School of Packaging with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Packaging. He has an extensive background in transport packaging performance testing as well as developing packaging for the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) market.
Brief Analysis of Robotically Assisted Surgical System Packaging Design
向文灏, 包装工程师, 上海微创医疗机器人(集团)股份有限公司
Xiang Wenhao, Packaging Engineer, Shanghai MicroPort Medbot (Group) Co.,Ltd演示总结 Presentation summary
- 法规对包装的约束
- 包装设计中质量和成本的冲突
- 包装被动服务转换为主动服务
- 包装设计管理案例
The medical device industry has high requirements for safety and quality, and there are many types of product series from Robotically Assisted Surgical System, so there are different levels of requirements for packaging,and the packaging desgin need balancing functionality and cost . This report is based on the group standard "Packaging Design Guidance for Robotically Assisted Surgical System" to introduce a brief packaging design analysis of Robotically Assisted Surgical System.
- Regulatory Aspects of Packaging.
- Challenges of Managing Quality and Cost in Packaging
- Packaging Service From Passive To Proactive
- A Case of Packaging Design Management
Biography: Packaging department of Shanghai MicroPort Medbot (Group) Co.,Ltd. Provide services of the group and its subsidiaries for the design and regulatory analysis of packaging and labeling. Eric Hiser is Vice President of Standards & Certification at International Safe Transit Association (ISTA). He manages the ISTA Standards Council including all technical activities, development and maintenance of ISTA Procedures and Projects, and ISTA Certification programs for labs, packaged-products and people. Eric is a graduate of the Michigan State University School of Packaging with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Packaging. He has an extensive background in transport packaging performance testing as well as developing packaging for the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) market.
Exploring the Effect of Multiaxial Vibrations on Load Stability Assessment During Transportation
Jorge Ferrer, 销售总监, SAFE LOAD 测试技术
Jorge Ferrer, Sales Manager, Safe Load Testing Technologies演示总结 Presentation summary
模拟单位载荷在运输过程中承受的应力的一种常用方法是通过执行一系列不同的应力,如压缩、振动、水平冲击或加速。该研究侧重于现场数据测量,在运输过程中监测卡车内的单位负载,直到发生故障或缺乏稳定性。记录卡车的振动和加速度,并对收集到的数据进行处理,获得必要的PSD,以便在实验室中模拟不同的振动测试方法,如单轴垂直振动和多轴振动(垂直+俯仰+侧滚)。随后,为了研究实验室单元荷载的稳定性和破坏模式,对运输荷载和新单元荷载进行了从现场数据采集中提取的不同单轴和多轴振动试验方法。在将单元载荷提交给每种振动方法后,从0.1 g开始进行水平加速度递增的测试序列,直到发生破坏模式,以评估稳定性测试评估过程中获得的加速度或变形值是否存在差异。
A common way of simulating the stress that a unit load undergoes during transport is by performing a sequence of different stresses, such as compression, vibration, and horizontal shocks or accelerations. The study focused on field data measurement where a unit load was monitored inside a truck during transportation till the failure or lack of stability occurs. The vibrations and accelerations of the truck were recorded, and the data collected was processed to obtain the necessary PSD to simulate in the lab different vibration test methods, like the single-axial vertical vibration and the multi-axial vibrations (vertical+pitch+roll). Subsequently, in order to study the stability and failure mode of the unit load in the laboratory, both the loads subjected to transportation and new unit loads were subjected to different monoaxial and multiaxial vibration test methods extracted from the field data collection. After submitting the unit loads to each vibration method, were subjected to an increasing horizontal acceleration test sequence from 0.1 g until the failure mode occurs, to evaluate if there is any difference in the value of acceleration or deformation obtained during the stability test assessment.
This presentation provides attendees with an opportunity to understand how real-world vibration affects the load stability during transportation. The aim of this study is to show different results at the stability test when the samples are preconditioned using different random vibration methods.
Jorge Ferrer是一位杰出的电气工程师,拥有电气工程和机电一体化学位。他拥有销售、项目管理、可再生能源和产品开发方面的经验。在SAFE LOAD测试技术公司,Jorge担任销售总监,他致力于利用他丰富的知识帮助企业克服挑战并促进增长。他的动力来自为自己的企业和客户的企业的成功做出贡献的满足感,不断受到技术变革影响的启发。
Biography: Jorge Ferrer is a distinguished electrical engineer with degrees in Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics. He has experience in sales, project management, renewable energies, and product development. At Safe Load Testing Technologies, Jorge serves as the Sales Manager, where he is committed to using his extensive knowledge to help businesses overcome challenges and promote growth. He is motivated by the satisfaction of contributing to the success of both his own ventures and those of his clients, continually inspired by the transformative impact of technology.
Role of Testing is Very Critical for Developing Packaging Systems for Global Shipments
Paul Singh, 名誉教授/ 总裁, 密歇根州立大学/ Packaging Forensics Associates Inc.
Paul Singh, President, Packaging Forensics Associates Inc. and Professor Emeritus, Michigan State University演示总结 Presentation summary
Packaging for shipping and handling can cause very serious accidents that can result not only in damage to cargo, but result in major accidents and injuries when being loaded and unloaded. Testing for transportation and warehousing is very important and allows for engineers can effectively prevent damage as well as potential injuries to packaging professionals who interact with boxes and unitized loads when performing their normal job responsibilities. The presentation will cover real accidents and shipments that were not tested with ANY pre-shipment test methods to save costs. Such decisions result in major loss of overall economy. Presentation will cover recommendations on preventing such accidents for packaging engineers and why the effect of physical (shock, vibration, compression, pressure) that are static and dynamic, as well as climatic (temperature, chemical and climatic) need to be examined before making the final shipments.
Takeaway: An better understanding based on pictures and videos of accidents that cause trucks carrying untested loads ROLLOVER and cause major incidents and effect overall economy and efficiencies.
Paul Singh博士是密歇根州立大学名誉教授和包装法医协会总裁。他的职责包括包装、运输、物料处理和储存、机械和自动化领域的研究和教学。他曾担任多家财富500强公司和联邦机构的顾问,如国防部,司法部,联邦航空局,美国农业部,美国运输部。此外,他还领导了联合国和世界银行的包装项目,解决了包装、物料处理、运输和物流方面的技术问题。辛格博士为与包装和全球运输相关的冲突和诉讼提供咨询和作证专家。辛格博士还被美国宇航局选为生物plex(载人火星任务)项目的高级生命支持审查。他是IAPRI、NIPHLE、ISTA、ASSP、ASTM、IOPP和NIPHLE的成员。2022年,他被包装机械制造商协会列入包装名人堂,并被国际包装研究所协会授予终身成就奖。他也是ASTM优异奖、Dave Lebutt奖(ISTA)、NIPHLE物流终身成就奖和军事包装名人堂(NIPHLE)的获得者。
Biography: Dr. Paul Singh is Professor Emeritus from Michigan State University and President of Packaging Forensics Associates Inc. His responsibilities include research and teaching in the areas of packaging, transportation, material handling and storage, machinery and automation. He has served as a consultant to various Fortune 500 companies and federal agencies like the Department of Defense, Department of Justice, FAA, USDA, USDOT. In addition he led packaging projects for the United Nations and World Bank solving technical problems in Packaging, Material Handling, Transportation and Logistics. Dr. Singh provides consultation as well as testifies as an expert for conflicts and lawsuits related to packaging and global shipping. Dr. Singh was also selected by NASA for Advanced Life Support review of the Bio-Plex (Manned Mission to Mars) project. He is member of IAPRI, NIPHLE, ISTA, ASSP, ASTM, IOPP and NIPHLE. In 2022 he was inducted into the Packaging Hall of Fame by the Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute, and was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the International Association of Packaging Research Institute. He is also recipient of the Award of Merit from ASTM, Dave Lebutt Award (ISTA), Lifetime Achievement Award in Logistics from NIPHLE, and Military Packaging Hall of Fame (NIPHLE).
会议费 注册和支付 Rates, Registration and Payment
- ISTA会员早鸟: 3,000元/人
- ISTA会员非早鸟: 3,800元/人
- 非ISTA会员早鸟: 3,600元/人
- 非ISTA会员非早鸟: 4,000元/人
- 2024年8月1日前成功缴费,即可享受早鸟价格优惠。
- ISTA中国运输包装设计大赛决赛选手:免费参加2024年ISTA中国年会9月5日的颁奖晚宴,需提前注册。
- 账户名称:上海顺且祥信息技术服务有限公司
- 账户号码:09032801040023874
- 开户银行:中国农业银行股份有限公司上海紫竹科学园区支行
- 推荐8月25日前汇款,款项到账后预计3个工作日内开具增值税电子专用发票。9月4日前汇款到账,预计在年会期间提供增值税电子专用发票。现场不提供收款服务,请务必在会议现场报到前完成汇款或持汇款凭证进行现场注册。
李敬茹:lijingru@packagetest.net 13920564832
Helena Zhu: dzhu@cca-im.com
Rates, Registration and Payment
Transportation & accommodations are not included in the following rates:
- Early-Bird Member Rate: 3000 CNY
- Regular Early-Bird Rate: 3800 CNY
- Regular Member Rate: 3600 CNY
- Regular Rate: 4000 CNY
- The participants successfully pay before August 1, 2024 can enjoy the early bird rate discount.
- The finalists of ISTA China Transport Packaging Design Competition are required to register in advance to participate in the award ceremony on September 5, 2024 at ISTA China Symposium for free.
- If you need to attend the entire agenda of ISTA China Symposium from September 5th to 6th, the symposium rate is CNY 800 per person.
Account Name:上海顺且祥信息技术服务有限公司
Account Number:09032801040023874
Opening Bank:中国农业银行股份有限公司上海紫竹科学园区支行
The symposium recommends using electronic transfer payment before August 25th. After the payment is received, it is expected to issue a value-added tax electronic special invoice within 3 working days. It is expected to issue a value-added tax electronic special invoice during the symposium, if transfer payment is completed before 4th Sep. There is no charge service for the symposium on-site, please finish the process of payment before registration on-site or provide the receipt of transfer payment when you register on-site.
Registration will start on July 23, 2024 and end on September 4, 2024.
Li Jingru lijingru@packagetest.net 13920564832
Helena Zhu: dzhu@cca-im.com
活动 Events
- 时间:2024年9月4日 9:00-17:00
- 地点:N5馆 M49会议室,上海新国际博览中心,上海市浦东新区龙阳路2345号,(021)28906666。
- 大赛的评委、选手、组委会参与者免费注册2024年9月4日的Interfoam发泡材料展2024展会门票和各项论坛入场门票。
- 时间:2024年9月4日 13:30-17:00
- 地点:N5馆 M50会议室,上海新国际博览中心,上海市浦东新区龙阳路2345号,(021)28906666。
- 本论坛演讲人、嘉宾、主持人等组织人员免费注册2024年9月3~5日的Interfoam发泡材料展 2024展会门票和各项论坛入场门票。
- ISTA中国(国际安全运输协会中国委员会)
- 上海市聚氨酯工业协会
- 支持单位
- 上海市粘接技术协会
- 中国聚氨酯工业协会泡沫塑料专业委员会
- 中国塑料加工工业协会聚氨酯制品专委会
申请展位: +86 10 5867 7299 ouyang@interfoam.cn
申请会议: +86 10 5867 7126 zitong.huang@hjtexpo.com
2024 5th ISTA China Transport Packaging Design Competition Finals
- Time:2024/09/04 9:00-17:00
- Place:M49 Meeting Room, N5 Hall, Shanghai New International Expo Center,No.2345 Longyang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai (021)28906666
- The judges, contestants, and participants of the organizing committee of the competition will register for free participation tickets to the Interfoam China 2024 exhibition and various forums on September 4, 2024.
Seminar “Logistics Supply Chain Cost Reduction and Recycling of Foam Materials for Packaging”
- Time:2024/09/04 13:30-17:00
- Place:M50 Meeting Room, N5 Hall, Shanghai New International Expo Center,No.2345 Longyang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai (021)28906666
- The speakers, guests, hosts, and other organizers of this forum will register for free participation tickets to the Interfoam China 2024 exhibition and various forums from September 3-5, 2024.
Interfoam China 2024 Shanghai International Foam Material Technology Industry Exhibition
- Time:2024/09/03-2024/09/05
- Place:Shanghai New International Expo Center,No.2345 Longyang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
- Exhibition Official Website:www.interfoam.cn
- Exhibition area: 11,500㎡
- Number of visitors: 10,000
- Number of exhibitors: 500
- organization: Huijietong Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
- co-organiser:
- ISTA China (International Safe Transit Association China Committee)
- Shanghai Polyurethane Industry Association
- Support Units:
- Shanghai Adhesive Technology Association
- China Polyurethane Industry Association Foam Plastics Professional Committee
- China Plastics Processing Industry Association Polyurethane Products Committee
- Interfoam Shanghai International Foaming Materials Technology Industry Exhibition is an international professional exhibition of the entire foaming materials industry chain, and an international event that foaming materials professionals should not miss. Interfoam Shanghai will focus on displaying cutting-edge production technologies, equipment, new technologies, new trends, and new applications of foaming materials, and strive to create a professional platform integrating technology, trade, brand display, and academic exchanges for the upstream and downstream and vertical application industries of the foaming materials industry, enabling the sustainable development of the industry!
- Fee Standard: Early Bird Ticket Discount: (before June 1): Tickets are 30 yuan, conference day is 298 yuan, full conference is 398 yuan
- Standard Ticket: Tickets are 50 yuan, conference day is 398 yuan, full conference is 598 yuan
- Please visit the exhibition website www.interfoam.cn for the activities included in the fee.
- Apply for a booth: +86 10 5867 7299 ouyang@interfoam.cn
- Request a meeting: +86 10 5867 7126 zitong.huang@hjtexpo.com
赞助机会 Sponsorship Opportunities
- 冠名为年会“钻石赞助商”,主会场签到处背板体现企业名称或LOGO;
- 五个免费参会名额;(包含会期两次午餐、一次晚宴费用)
- 会议茶歇期间播放企业宣传视频;
- 企业代表将成为大会某时段的嘉宾主持人;(会议日程有限,根据注册的先后顺序安排)
- 一个免费展位,主办方邀请年会重要嘉宾巡展;
- 会刊内页宣传2P;
- 在ISTA中国网站、ISTA中国微信公众号的年会专栏,体现企业名称或LOGO;
- ISTA纪念品一份;
- 可优先获得与重要参会企业人员接洽的机会。
- 冠名为年会“白金赞助商”,主会场签到处背板体现企业名称或LOGO;
- 三个免费参会名额; (包含会期两次午餐、一次晚宴费用)
- 企业代表将成为大会某时段的嘉宾主持人;(会议日程有限,根据注册的先后顺序安排)
- 一个免费展位,主办方邀请年会重要嘉宾巡展;
- 会刊内页宣传2P;
- 在ISTA中国网站、ISTA中国微信公众号的年会专栏,体现企业名称或LOGO;
- ISTA纪念品一份;
- 可优先获得与重要参会企业人员接洽的机会。
- 冠名为年会“黄金赞助商”,主会场签到处背板体现企业名称或LOGO;
- 两个免费参会名额;(包含会期两次午餐、一次晚宴费用)
- 会刊内页宣传1P;
- 在ISTA中国网站、ISTA中国微信公众号的年会专栏,体现企业名称或LOGO;
- ISTA纪念品一份;
- 可优先获得与重要参会企业人员接洽的机会。
- 冠名为年会第一或第二天的“茶歇赞助商”,主会场签到处背板、茶歇台及周边体现企业名称或LOGO;
- 一个免费参会名额;(包含会期两次午餐、一次晚宴费用)
- 会刊内页宣传1P;
- 在ISTA中国网站、ISTA中国微信公众号的年会专栏,体现企业名称或LOGO;
- ISTA纪念品一份;
- 可优先获得与重要参会企业人员接洽的机会。
Sponsorship Opportunities
Diamond Sponsors
Sponsorship rate: 40,000 CNY
Benefits include the following:
As a "Diamond Sponsor", the company name and/or company logo will be displayed on the backboard at main venue (submission deadline August 15, 2024;
- 5 complimentary symposium attendee registrations; (including two lunches and one dinner);
- Corporate promotional videos will be shown during the tea breaks;
- A complimentary exhibition booth;
- 2 pages for promotion on the internal page of the electronic Symposium magazine (submission deadline August 15, 2024;
- Company name and/or logo will be included on the 2024 ISTA China Packaging Symposium website and official WeChat account;
- Priority opportunities to engage with attendees.
- Deadline for submission of all materials: August 15, 2024
Platinum Sponsors
Sponsorship rate: 30,000 CNY
Benefits include the following:
- As a "Platinum Sponsor", the company name and/or company logo will be displayed on the backboard at main venue (submission deadline August 15, 2024;
- 3 complimentary symposium attendee registrations; (including two lunches and one dinner);
- A complimentary exhibition booth;
- 2 pages in conference materials for recognition;
- 2 pages for promotion on the internal page of the electronic Symposium magazine (submission deadline August 15, 2024;
- Company name and/or logo will be included on the 2024 ISTA China Packaging Symposium website and official WeChat account;
- One ISTA souvenior;
- Priority opportunities to engage with attendees.
- Deadline for submission of all materials: August 15, 2024
Gold Sponsors
Sponsorship rate: 20,000 CNY
Benefits include the following:
- As a "Gold Sponsor", the company name or LOGO will be reflected on the backboard of the main venue (submission deadline August 15, 2024;
- 2 complimentary symposium attendee registrations; (including two lunches and one dinner);
- A complimentary exhibition booth;
- 2 pages in conference materials for recognition;
- 2 pages for promotion on the internal page of the electronic Symposium magazine (submission deadline August 15, 2024;
- Company name and/or logo will be included on the 2024 ISTA China Packaging Symposium website and official WeChat account;
- One ISTA souvenior;
- Priority opportunities to engage with attendees.
- Deadline for submission of all materials: August 15, 2024
Tea Break Sponsors
Sponsorship rate: 10,000 CNY
Benefits include the following:
- As a " Tea Break Sponsors" of fist day or second day for the symposium, the company name or LOGO will be reflected on the backboard of the main venue and Tea Break table around;
- 1 complimentary symposium attendee registration; (including two lunches and one dinner);
- 1 pages in conference materials for recognition;
- Company name and/or logo will be included on the 2024 ISTA China Packaging Symposium website and official WeChat account;
- One ISTA souvenior;
- Priority opportunities to engage with attendees.
- Deadline for submission of all materials: August 15, 2024
Advertising Site in Conference Materials
Sponsorship rate: 5000 CNY
- 1 pages in conference materials for recognition;
- According to the orders, the position of the advertising insert within the specified scope is selected priority;
- Deadline for submission of all materials: August 15, 2024
Sponsorship Contact:
Contact:Li Jingru
Tel:13920564832(same as WeChat account)
Website: https://ista.org/ista_china/ista.php
展览机会 Exhibition Opportunities
展览时间: 2024年9月5日-2024年9月6日
展位费用: 6000元/个
- 助展人员1名,免会务费(包含会期两次午餐、一次晚宴费用);
- 展商企业名称或LOGO体现在会刊中;
- ISTA网站、ISTA中国网站的年会栏目中体现展商企业名称或LOGO;
- 主办方邀请年会重要嘉宾巡展;
- 可优先获得与重要参会企业人员接洽的机会。
- (9月4日星期三):签到注册、展商布展
- (9月5日星期四):开幕式、论坛、展览参观、午餐、论坛、颁奖晚宴
- (9月6日星期五):论坛、展览参观、午餐、闭幕
- 签到注册时间:9月4日14:00-20:00
- 展商布展时间:9月4日19:00-20:00或9月5日上午7:00-8:00,以实际搭建情况为准
- 论坛展览时间: 9月5日8:00-18:00 ;9月6日9:00-15:15
- 颁奖晚宴时间:9月5日18:00-20:00
- 展商撤展时间: 9月6日15:30—18:00
- 会务资料邮寄地址: 上海南翔温德姆酒店,地址: 上海市嘉定区槎溪路789号。
- 收件人: 海纪元15821928658(邮寄物料请一定备注:2024ISTA中国年会会务组收,A4纸标记活动名称和日期在箱体)。
- 请在包裹醒目位置注明企业名称、企业联系人、联系方式、展位号及会议名称,如无详细信息,代收人将拒收,造成的损失由企业自行承担。
- 寄出后请注意跟踪包裹的行程,并与组委会确认是否已收到。
- 不接收到付快递。
- 接收布展物品时间:2024年8月28日-9月3日。
- 所有特装展位限高2.4m。
- 所有标展高度限高2.2m。
- 所有展位配备220V电源,严禁使用超过1500W电源设备,如有违反,造成损失,需自行承担。
- 特装展位背景板2.4m*2.4mH,5.76平米展板背景画面设计尺寸为:长2.4m*高2.4m。
- 标展背景板1.8m*2.2mH,3.96平米展板背景画面设计尺寸为:长1.8m*高2.2m。
- 标展背景板画面文件格式:jpg,psd,ai(分辨率72dpi) ,文件接收截止时间:8月28日,文件接收邮箱:fd@gacheff.com。
- 展位其他配套:桌子1张(1.8米长),椅子2把。
- 为保证论坛秩序,所有展商所携带的广告物料及展示物不得超出各自的展区范围,所有音响制品声音不得超出60分贝,会场内展台只有在会休时才能进行宣传活动。
- 联系人: 徐颜:13764938327, 张耀13501983921
- 展板背景画面制作及搭建、其它展会用品租赁等如有需要,展商请提前7个工作日联系大会指定搭建商。
Exhibition Opportunities
Exhibition Time:
- September 5, 2024-September 6, 2024
- Registration Deadline: August 15, 2024
- Booth Fee: CNY 6000/booth
Exhibitor Benefits:
- 1 exhibition assistant who will have a complimentary Symposium registration (including two lunches and one dinner)
- The name or LOGO of exhibitors shall be displayed in the information material of 2024 ISTA China Packaging Symposium.
- The official website of ISTA and official website of ISTA China will display the exhibitors' names or logos.
- Exhibitor name and logo on the WeChat official account.
- The organizer will invite important guests to tour the exhibition booths.
- Priority opportunities to engage with attendees.
Exhibition Schedule:
- (Wednesday, 4 September):Sign in, register, Exhibition arrangement
- (Thursday, 5 September):Opening Ceremony, Forum, exhibition visit, lunch, forum, Awards dinner
- (Friday, 6 September):Forum, exhibition visit, lunch, closing
Exhibition Instructions:
- All special booths are limited to 2.4m in height.
- All standard booth are limited to 2.2m in height.
- All booths are equipped with 220V power supply, and it is strictly prohibited to use power supply equipment exceeding 1500W. If there is any violation, the loss shall be borne by yourself.
- The size of the special booth background panel is 2.4m*2.4mH,Background panel picture design size is:Length 2.4m x height 2.4m.
- The size of the stander booth background panel is 1.8m*2.2mH,Background panel picture design size is:Length 1.8m x height 2.2m.
- Design file format:jpg, psd, ai (resolution ratio 72dpi) ,file receiving deadline:28 August,file receiving mailbox:fd@gacheff.com.
- Other accessories of booth:1 table (1.8 meters long) and 2 chairs.
- In order to ensure forum orderly, the advertising materials and display materials carried by all exhibitors shall not exceed the scope of their respective exhibition areas, and the sound of all audio products shall not exceed 60 decibels. The exhibition booth in the conference venue can only carry out promotional activities during the tea break.
Matters need to Attention:
- Registration Time:14:00-20:00, 4 September
- Exhibition Arrangement Time:19:00-20:00, 4 September; or 7:00 am -8:00 am 5 September, subject to the actual Booth construction time.
- Forum Exhibition Time: 8:00-18:00, 5 September; 9:00-15:15, 6 September
- Awards Dinner Time:18:00-20:00, 5 September
- Exhibitor Withdrawal Time: 15:30—18:00, 6 September
Note: The schedule of the annual meeting is subject to the final arrangement of the organizer.
Conference Address:
- Wyndham Shanghai Nanxiang
- Address: No.789,Chaxi Road, Nanxiang, Town, Jiading District Shanghai, China
Materials Mailing and Notes:
- Conference materials mailing address: Wyndham Shanghai Nanxiang, Address: No.789, Chaxi Road, Nanxiang, Town, Jiading District Shanghai, China
- Express recipient: HAI,JIYUAN, 15821928658(Please note: 2024ISTA China Annual Meeting group received, A4 paper marked with the event name and date in the box).
- Please indicate the company name, company contact person, contact information, booth number and conference name in the eye-catching position of the package. If there is no detailed information, the collection agent will refuse to accept, and the loss caused by the company shall be borne by itself.
- After delivery, please pay attention to track the itinerary of the package, and confirm with the organizing committee whether it has been received.
- Cash on delivery express refused to accept.
- Time to receive exhibition materials: 28 August - 3 September, 2024.
Remittance Information:
- Account Name: 上海顺且祥信息技术服务有限公司
- Account Number: 09032801040023874
- Opening Bank: 中国农业银行股份有限公司上海紫竹科学园区支行
- Invoice Subject: Service fee
- Contact: Helena Zhu
- Tel: 021-34293970
- Email: dzhu@cca-im.com
Exhibition Contact:
- Contact:Fan Shuhan
- Tel:13141368660(same as WeChat account)
- Email:fanshuhan@packagetest.net
- Website: https://ista.org/ista_china/ista.php
Designated construction supplier:
- Contact person: Jasmine Xu 13764938327, Zhang Yao 13501983921;
- Booth background panel production and construction, and other exhibition supplies rental if necessary, Please contact the designated construction supplier 7 working days in advance.
酒店和旅行 Hotel & Transportation
地址: 上海市嘉定区槎溪路789号。
Hotel & Transportation
We are pleased to provide ISTA China Packaging Symposium attendees a special hotel rate at the Wyndam Shanghai Nanxiang Hotel.
Wyndham Shanghai Nanxiang
No. 789 Chaxi Road, Jiading District, Shanghai
Booking Room:
Please submit the reservation information in the registration system in Chinese or English, and pay the registration fee of symposium as booking confirmation information. Please pay the cost of rooms booking when you arrival at the hotel, the hotel reception will provide the bill, the invoice and the receipt.
The number of rooms is limited, first served.
Double Room/Twin Room: CNY 450/night
Inter provincial transportation:
- High speed rail: It is recommended to go to Shanghai Station, Shanghai West Station, or Shanghai Hongqiao Station
- Air: It is recommended to go to Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport
- Urban transportation:
- Metro: Take Shanghai Metro to Nanxiang Station on Line 11 and walk 1 kilometer to reach the hotel
演讲者福利和提醒 Speaker Benefits & Reminders
- 免会务费,免费参加2024年9月5-6日大会议程;
- 免费注册2024年9月4日的Interfoam China 2024展会门票和论坛“包装用发泡材料的物流供应链降本与回收再利用”及其他论坛入场门票(上海新国际博览中心,上海市浦东新区龙阳路2345号);
- 免费现场观摩2024年9月4日2024ISTA中国第五届运输包装设计大赛总决赛(上海新国际博览中心,N5馆 M49会议室,9:00-17:00);
- ISTA中国公众号、网站、ISTA官网在全球范围推广介绍;
- ISTA中国年会现场前排嘉宾席,主办方对嘉宾和所在企业提供推广介绍;
- 嘉宾所在机构的其他代表可获得会务费优惠价格。
- 2024年9月5-6日召开年会,演讲时间为30分钟 (含现场问答5分钟),演示文稿可以使用中文或英文,PPT格式画面比例16:9,演示屏幕分辨率2560*1024。
- 请于2024年7月5日前提交演讲题目、摘要、嘉宾照片。
- 请于2024年7月30日前提交演讲稿,主办方会在10个工作日内反馈意见。
- 请于2024年7月30日前通过主办方提供的渠道进行报名和注册个人信息。
- 年会主题议程将提前通知演讲嘉宾,其他年会有关内容公布、更新在ISTA中国网站: www.ista-china.org(搬家中)和ISTA中国公众号:ISTA Information Service。
- 演讲嘉宾需自行承担差旅和酒店的费用。
- 主办方联系人,路冰琳 louis@packagetest.net
Speaker Benefits & Reminders
KEY BENEFITS AND IMPORTANT REMINDERS:- Free participation fees and participate in the symposium agenda from September 5-6, 2024;
- Free registration for the Interfoam China 2024 exhibition and “Logistics Supply Chain Cost Reduction and Recycling of Foam Materials for Packaging” Forum on September 4, 2024, as well as participation tickets to other forums (Shanghai New International Expo Center, No. 2345 Longyang Road,, Pudong New Area, Shanghai);
- Free on-site watch of 2024 ISTA China 5th Transport Packaging Design Competition Finals on September 4, 2024 (Shanghai New International Expo Center, M49 Meeting Room, N5 Hall , 9:00-17:00);
- Promote and introduce globally with the help of ISTA China official account, website and ISTA official website;
- Front row guest seats at ISTA China Symposium, where the organizer provides promotional introductions to the guests and their respective companies;
- Other representatives of the organization where the guest is from can receive discounted participation fees.
- The symposium will be held from September 5-6, 2024. Each speaker will give a speech for 30 minutes (including 5 minutes of on-site Q&A). The presentation can be in Chinese or English, with a PPT format screen ratio of 16:9 and a display screen resolution of 2560 * 1024.
- Please register and provide personal information through the channels provided by the organizer before July 30, 2024.
- The theme agenda of the symposium will be notified to the speakers in advance, and other relevant contents of the symposium will be published and updated on ISTA China website: www.ista-china.org (the website is being migrated) and ISTA China official account: ISTA Information Service.
- The guest speaker is responsible for their own travel and hotel expenses.
- Please submit your speech slides by July 30, 2024. Organizer of the symposium will give feedback within 10 working days.
- Contact person of the organizer, Louise Lu, louis@packagetest.net