Seeking ISTA Test Series Group (TSG) Volunteers
Getting involved with ISTA’s technical community is a great way to not only ensure you’re staying connected to the most current information out there but also empowers you to influence the technical matters that impact the packaging industry.If you would like to contribute to ISTA and the packaging industry, volunteering in ISTA’s Test Series Group (TSG) is a great place to start. The TSG is ISTA’s consensus body responsible for voting on proposed new ISTA test protocols, technical revisions, reaffirmation of existing ISTA Protocols, and managing the TSG membership roster. To ensure balance and openness, involvement in the TSG is open to both ISTA members and non-members.
If you're interested in joining ISTA’s TSG, simply click here to sign up and complete the online Test Series Group Membership Request Form. TSG Membership Request Forms can also be emailed to If you'd like more information about the group, please feel free to reach out to Eric Hiser, ISTA VP of Standards & Certification at