Procedure Changes & Development

Are you using the most current ISTA Test Procedure? ISTA's policy is to accept a test report based on a previous version of a Procedure for up to ONE YEAR after the revision is published. To avoid problems with damage claims or additional re-testing, based on outdated procedures, we encourage all users to be sure they are using the most current version.

Download or purchase full procedures here

Development & maintenance

The following policies and forms are used for ISTA protocol development and maintenance.

Change history

Use the following table to view procedures by year:

Technical: These changes will affect the procedure in the way it is performed, in the levels of the test methods, or the types of test methods used. TECHNICAL changes require the review, discussion and approval of the ISTA Test Series Group (TSG) and ISTA Standards Council.

Editorial: These changes include errors in printing, format, spelling, and punctuation, as well as identified improvements in clarity of interpretation or to reduce or eliminate uncertainty, but may not include any changes that would, in any way, make a technical or substantive change in the Protocol causing re-testing to be necessary. Editorial changes made to text in regards to grammar, typographical errors or human errors in the creation of the document are approved by the ISTA Standards Council Steering Committee.

The following changes have been made in 2025:

ISTA 6-FedEx-B (rev 3/11) has been withdrawn from ISTA's 6-Series.
Technical   January 2025

The following changes have been made in 2024:

3LImproved definitions for package types and fragile items to reduce confusion. Editorial  July 2024
3LClarified single parcel size limitation of Length Plus Girth being equal to or less than 165 inches (4.19m).  Length Plus Girth = Length + [(2 x Width) + (2 x Height)] where the length is a packaged-products longest dimension. Editorial  June 2024
Through ISTA’s consensus standards development and maintenance process it was resolved that the 6-FedEx-A test be withdrawn from ISTA’s 6-Series tests.  Using a recent study of package handling within three major small parcel carrier systems in North America, the industry consensus body, and the ISTA Standards Council, determined that the FedEx small parcel delivery system was similar to other major small parcel delivery systems thus making it ineligible for the ISTA 6-Series of tests. Technical   February 2024

The following changes have been made in 2022:

1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1G, 1H, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, 3E, 3F, 3H, 3K, 7DRemoved the "Reporting an ISTA Test" section. Editorial    July 2022

The following changes have been made in 2019:
 Procedure 3EPer recommendations from the ANSI audit, the American National Standard (ANS) ISTA 3E will reflect English system first with the Metric system second and in parentheses on the temperature chart within page 5.  Additionally, the ANSI standards logo and the words American National Standard are included on the title page of approved American National Standard ISTA 3E.  Editorial    September 2019

The following changes have been made in 2018.

Project - Over BoxingCompressive Vibration - The top load is no longer a required element of the random vibration test block.  The over box is a static variable as the intent of this test is to understand the interactions of the products within the over box. Introducing a variable of box integrity when the product manufacturer does not have control or influence over this variable creates an unnecessary testing element within ISTA Boxing.  Additionally, actual shipment evaluations show limited collapsed over boxes.  

Ensuring adequate exterior package integrity should be the independent element evaluated by Amazon and should not be the burden of the vendor (product manufacturer).  This change will help deliver greater consistency with testing done at various laboratories by reducing false failures when over boxes collapse during testing.  Another benefit to this change would be a significantly improve package testing through put for labs.

Hazard Products - Clarification was added to the materials which could be used to fill the hazard producs.

Identification of Over Box Faces, Edges and Corners -  To deliver greater consistency with the testing, enhancement was made to the identification of the Over Box faces, edges and corners.
Project - SIOCNew Package Types - Type G & H were added to address specific handling practices and common challenges experienced by the  product category of TV's & Monitors.  

The wide variation in TV sizes create a packaged-product category which will benefit from having a testing sequence that addresses its specific needs and challenges.  The specific testing sequences will help ensure that all TV‘s are subjected to the same hazards found in the real world and to the hazards which this product type is most susceptible to (i.e. rotational impacts, concentrated impact on the screen, etc).

Unfortunately, due to the wide range of TV packaging sizes and weights, there are instances in which previous testing sequences could have TV‘s tested to two different package types i.e. Flat or Standard even though all TV‘s are susceptible to the same hazards.  For example, a large TV might not qualify as a Flat package type such as the situation of a 75 LED TV which has packaging dimension of (L x W x H) 72.75x12.25x46.125.  Because the smallest dimension is greater than 8, this package is classified andtested as a Standard package.  The Standard package type is not subjected the TV to a concentrated impact or the rotational impacts.

Additionally, there are attributes of TV‘s which are susceptible to hazards such as concentrated impacts to the screen. For example, the labeling of package faces, Standard or Flat, did not specify or call out what package face correlates to the TV screen to ensure that the intended concentrated impact is challenging the screen protection.  Therefore these new package types have a specific package face identification method which will help deliver greater consistency with testing done at various laboratories by reducing inconsistencies with package labeling for this product type.

Clamp Testing - Two changes occurred for Horizontal Compression (clamping simulation):
 1. Inclusion of a non-equivalent alternative for clamp testing using a compression machine.
 2. Two MINIMUM compression force calculations/limitations are incorporated to account for TV‘s being handled as individual items more frequently than other package types.

Compression Test Block Order Changed - The order of testing sequences for vertical compression and clamping were changed to more closely align with packaging flow. Clamping simulation now occurs before vertical compression to account for packages being clamped coming off the truck at receipt prior to being stacked in the fulfillment center (FC) i.e. warehouse.
TechnicalMarch 2018
Procedure 3AA new test block was added for those packaged-products which contain liquids.  The test block is intended to evaluate the closure systems ability to contain the liquid after all other 3A testing elements have been completed i.e. "leak test."  Definition of "liquid" was also included.TechnicalMarch 2018
Procedure 3A1) One (1) sample is still required but an additional statement was added recommending an increased sample size for Fragile items.  Definition of "Fragile" was also included.

2) Additional clarity was given to the "Most Damage Prone Orientation" of drop 16.
EditorialMarch 2018
The following change has been made to Boxing in October 2017.

 PROCEDURE(S) AFFECTED CHANGE MADE TYPE OF CHANGE* DATE OF CHANGE metric conversion errors on tape width used to secure Over Box as well as minor editorial changes.EditorialOctober 2017

The following changes have been made to Procedure 3E in April, 2017:

 Procedure 3ECompression - The vehicle and warehouse compression formulas were combined into one enhanced formula which now accounts for a broader range of real world warehouse and vehicle stacking scenarios.
Compression - The exception for warehouse compression where if the unitized load was stacked for 48 hours or less then warehouse compression was to be omitted has been removed from the test procedure. All stacking durations are now evaluated.

Compression - To more closely replicate real world conditions, a pallet is to be placed on top of the unitized load during the compression testing sequence.

Shock - The rotational edge drop height was moved from a fixed height to variable based upon weight. This change references studies and industry test procedures, such as ISTA 3B, which have been conducted since 3E's inception.

Shock - Incline Impact & Horizontal Impact speeds were increased from 42 in per second to 48 in per second. This change references studies and industry test procedures, such as ISTA 3B, which have been conducted since 3E's inception.
 Technical    April 2017
 Procedure 3E  Title, Scope and Preface were enhanced to reduce confusion on intent of the testing procedure and improve consistency across ISTA test procedures & projects. Editorial April 2017

The following changes have been made to the 2017 Resource Book:
 Procedure 3B Orientation - The Identification of Faces, Edges and Corners section on page 12 of 35 was amended to account for the worst case scenario and "Most Stable Orientation" was made the primary means of identifying the faces, edges and corners of the packaged-product. The alternate option which was previously "Most Stable Orientation" became "Intended Shipping Orientation."

Top-Load - On page 16 of 35 in the Before You Begin Vibration Testing section, the top-load maximum weight of 600lbs was eliminated.

Shock - Clarification to the wording within Test Block 16 & 18 was added to ensure that the "largest face" receives the intended impact as face numberings can change based upon orientations determined at the beginning of the procedure - Most Stable or Intended Shipping.
 Technical    March 2017
 Procedure 3BTop-Load - Illustrations and enhanced verbiage were added to the Before You Begin Vibration Testing section to clarify how the top-load is to be applied on the test specimen as well as what the top-load is attempting to account for in the real world.

Shock In - Test Block 16, on page 33 of 35, the wording for Package Type was amended to improve consistency across ISTA test procedures & projects (from Standard to Standard-Elongated & from Cylinder to Cylinder-Elongated). The same consistency was applied to Test Block 17. 
 Editorial March 2017
  Procedure 3FCompression - Machine Apply and Hold as well as Weight and Load Spreader were added as additional options for conducting the compression sequence, Test Block 2.

Vibration - A height limitation on stacked vibration was incorporated into Test Block 4 to enhance the procedures ability to correlate to real world scenarios.
 Technical March 2017
 Procedure 3FTitle, Scope and Preface were enhanced to reduce confusion on intent of the testing procedure and improve consistency across ISTA test procedures & projects. Editorial March 2017
 Procedure 1C Enhanced formatting of the "Test Sequence" table, specifically the Sequence #3, to reduce confusion on alternative methods and to improve consistency across ISTA test procedures & projects. Editorial January 2017
Project 3KCorrected typo on test duration in Test Block 9 (Vibration - Random), on page 17 of 20, Step 2. Incorrectly printed as 30 minutes when should have been as 40 minutes.EditorialJanuary 2017
Procedure 1EIn Test Block 2, on page 7 of 10, Step 1 was corrected to state "Go to TEST BLOCK 3 (Vibration - Random)" rather than Test Block 2 as previously printed. Test Block 2, on page 7 of 8, Step 9 was corrected to state "Go to TEST BLOCK 4 (Shock)" rather than Test Block 3 as previously printed. Test Block 3, on page 7 of 10, Step 5 was corrected to state "Go to TEST BLOCK 4 (Shock)" rather than Test Block 3 as previously printed. Test Block 4, on page 8 of 10, Step 5 was corrected to state "Go to TEST BLOCK 5 (Shock)" rather than Test Block 4 as previously printed.EditorialJanuary 2017
Project - Over BoxingNEW PROJECT: e-Commerce Fulfillment for Parcel Delivery ShipmentNEW PROJECTNovember 2016

The following changes have been made to the 2016 Resource Book.
 Project - SIOCClamp Testing - Greater clarity on which faces should have clamp testing conducted. Previous TEST Block indicated that two axes needed clamp testing and this was modified to indicate that Clamp Testing is only required when that dimension, either Length and/or Width, is within the given parameters.

Previous Statement on Clamp Testing: 
Horizontal compression (clamping simulation) tests are only required in certain situations as follows: 
1. Clamp testing is required in two axes where the dimension is 24 in (610 mm) or greater and less than 75 in (1905 mm)
2. No clamping tests are required for Type A and Type F.

New Statement on Clamp Testing: 
Horizontal compression (clamping simulation) tests are only required in certain situations as follows:
1. Clamp testing is required on the Length when the distance between Face 2 and 4 is between 24 in (610 mm) and 75 in (1905 mm). 
2. Clamp testing is required on the Width when the distance between Face 5 and 6 is between 24 in (610 mm) and 75 in (1905 mm). 
3. No clamping tests are required for Type A and Type F.

Leak Testing - TEST Block 25 was added to challenge the seal integrity of test specimens that contain liquids. 
Technical  May 2016
Project - SIOCMinor editorial changes occurred to improve consistency across ISTA test procedures & projects. Editorial May 2016
Project original test was developed specifically to address Heavy & Bulky packaged-products greater than 70lbs. Since then the goal was amended to include all packaged-products that Ships-In-Own-Container (SIOC) from an fulliment center. For this reason, the title was changed from "Project, Heavy/Bulky Packaged-Products for Distribution System Shipment" to "Project, Ships in Own Container (SIOC) for Distribution System Shipment." Additionally the scope and preface were updated to provide greater clarity of the tests intent. Editorial March 2016
Project Due to the scope of the test being increased from Heavy/Bulky packaged-products over 70lbs to any packaged-product that will not be over packed by Amazon a.k.a. Ships in Own Container (SIOC), several elements of the protocol were changed. The test type selection criteria was redefined to align with the new SIOC protocol scope change. Other changes included ...
* Normalizing the hazard sequences to drive consistency across the different packaged-product test types and more closely align with the Amazon supply chain 
* Clamp Testing was changed from "Optional" to "Required" for five of the six packaged-product test types
* Clamp Testing method was modified from clamp and hold to a clamp, lift 12 inches & then hold. 
* Rotational Drops were standardized to 9" from varying heights based upon weight and test sequence 
* Maximum compression requirements was reduced from 7,500lbs to 5,000lbs
* Tip Over Testing is required on all four sides
* Vibration duration was moved from distance traveled to a set duration of 80 minutes per side.
 Technical March 2016
Procedure 1A, 1BIn Test Block 2, on page 6 of 8, Step 13 was corrected to state "Go to TEST BLOCK 3 (Shock)" rather than Test Block 2 as previously printed.EditorialJanuary 2016
Procedure 1B, 1HIn Test Block 3, on page 7 of 8, Step 1 was corrected to state "If YES, then go to TEST BLOCK 4 (Shock - Rotational Edge Drop)" rather than Test Block 3 as previously printed.EditorialJanuary 2016
Procedure 3AEnhanced NOTE to Step 1 of Identification of Faces, Edges and Corners on page 9 of 28, to clarify Most Stable Orientation.EditorialJanuary 2016
Procedure 3AAdded NOTE to Before You Begin Top-Load Apparatus on page 14 of 28, to clarify that dimensions used to calculate top-loads are taken when the packaged-product is in its Most Stable Orientation which could be different than the intended shipping orientation.EditorialJanuary 2016
6-Sams ClubCorrected conversion error in example 2 on page 19 of 45 in the Before You Begin Vertical (Top-to-Bottom) Compression Testing. Wc = 260 lb (1118 kg) was changed to Wc = 260 lb (118 kg).EditorialJanuary 2016
Procedure 3BIn 2013 the ISTA Testing Council voted to move Project 3B to procedure status. When this change was made the version date of 3B was erroneously changed to 2013. This change should not have been made because a project moving to procedure status is not considered to be a change that's technical in nature. After review and vote from the Technical Steering Committee the version date of 3B has been changed back to 2012, the year of its most recent technical change.EditorialJanuary 2016

The following change has been made to the 2014 Resource Book.
 Procedure 3A In Test Block 8, page 23 the reference to an Air spectra was corrected to was corrected to Optional Random Vibration Under Low Pressure spectra. Step 5 was also corrected to reference the Over-the-Road random vibration instead of Optional Vibration Under Low Pressure. This error was the result of a copying issue during procedure maintenance.EditorialJanuary 2014
 Procedures 3E, 3FThe Testing Council voted to remove the compression note from the before you begin compression testing sections of 3E and 3F due to several comments received by ISTA stating the note created confusion.EditorialJanuary 2014
 Procedures 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1G, 1HPre-Conditioning added to 1-Series Test Procedures: The 1-Series TSG and Technical Division Board have voted to approve adding a required 12-hour pre-conditioning sequence to all 1-Series Test Procedures. The 12 hour pre-conditioning sequence calls for the packaged-product to be stored at laboratory ambient temperature and humidity. TechnicalMarch 2014


The ISTA Technical Division, after a successful ballot from the appropriate ISTA Test Series Groups, has approved the discontinuation of seven (7) ISTA Procedures and Projects starting in January 2013. The following Procedures or Projects will NOT be published after 2012:
  • ISTA Procedure 2D (use ISTA Procedure 3A-flat)
  • ISTA Procedure 2E (use ISTA Procedure 3A-elongated)
  • ISTA Procedure 2F (use NCC LTL Item 180, available from National Motor Freight Traffic Association
  • ISTA Procedure 3F 
  • ISTA Project 7A* 
  • ISTA Procedure 7B*
  • ISTA Procedure 7C*
*The ISTA Technical Division will be considering adding test methods for reusables into existing ISTA procedures OR will develop a new project for reusables that will encompass the 3 discontinued 7-Series projects and procedures.

In addition, ISTA Procedure 7D, which was set for discontinuation in 2012, has been extended. You will find Procedure 7D, with editorial changes, included in the 2012 ISTA Resource Book. ISTA Members can download 7D through their Member Center account; non-members can order it through the ISTA E-Market.

The following change has been made to Project 3B. Members may LOGIN to download the most current versions of ISTA Procedures.

Project 3BRevised the fork lift handling course requirements to allow for the course to be installed in any manner that prevents movement for the duration of the testing sequence: Page 11 of 35TechnicalNovember 2012

The following changes have been made to ISTA Procedures in the 2012 Resource Book. Members may LOGIN to download the most current versions of ISTA Procedures.
 6-SAMSCLUBAdded definition for "slip sheet" on Page 2 of 45 Editorial January 2012
 6-SAMSCLUBRevised first bullet in Notes on Page 7 of 45 (Use this test for packaged-product defined as Small according to the Definitions section on page 2.)EditorialJanuary 2012
 6-SAMSCLUBAdded Note to Overview on Page 15 of 45 to clarify the use of different formulas in calculating vertical compression (NOTE: The trial calculation that follows is intended to determine which required formula will be used to calculate the compression testing value. Calculating the trial formula first assures that the required compression minimum will be met.)EditorialJanuary 2012
1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1G, 1H, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F, 3E, 3F, 3H, 7CAdded "Package" to PDA/PDT header.EditorialJanuary 2012
2BAdded "warehoused" to table on Page 7 of 15 - in explanation of Compensating Factor (Typical range is 3-6, ISTA recommends a minimum of 5 if the packaged-product may be warehoused during distribution; otherwise a minimum of 4 is recommended.)EditorialJanuary 2012
3ERevised text on Page 6 of 13, under table (Formula Term Definitions for calculations)EditorialJanuary 2012
3ERevised text on Page 6 of 13, under table (The following are definitions of terms used in the Warehouse Compression and Vehicle Compression calculation sections that follow)EditorialJanuary 2012
3ERevised text on Page 6 of 13, under table (The Factor values given in the sections that follow are typical, but other F values may be used in certain situations including reduced factors.)EditorialJanuary 2012
3ERevised text on Page 6 of 13, under table (If the Compensating Factor values given in the sections that follow are not used, sufficient justification must be included in the Test Report.)EditorialJanuary 2012
3EAdded bold and underline to text in Note in first table on Page 7 of 13 (and no compression test will be required by this section - continue onto Vehicle Compression section.)EditorialJanuary 2012
3BRevised two portion Top Load division to be perpendicular, not parallel: Page 16 of 35 (A two portion Top Load apparatus, with the two portions of equal size and weight and dividedEditorialJanuary 2012


The ISTA Technical Division, after a successful ballot from the appropriate ISTA Test Series Groups, has approved the discontinuation of seven (7) ISTA Procedures and Projects starting in January 2013. The following Procedures or Projects will NOT be published after 2012:

  • ISTA Procedure 2D (use ISTA Procedure 3A-flat)
  • ISTA Procedure 2E (use ISTA Procedure 3A-elongated)
  • ISTA Procedure 2F (use NCC LTL Item 180, available from National Motor Freight Traffic Association
  • ISTA Procedure 3F (ISTA will release Project 3J in mid-2012 as a replacement to 3F)
  • ISTA Project 7A* 
  • ISTA Procedure 7B*
  • ISTA Procedure 7C*
*The ISTA Technical Division will be considering adding test methods for reusables into existing ISTA procedures OR will develop a new project for reusables that will encompass the 3 discontinued 7-Series projects and procedures.

In addition, ISTA Procedure 7D, which was set for discontinuation in 2012, has been extended. You will find Procedure 7D, with editorial changes, included in the 2012 ISTA Resource Book. ISTA Members can download 7D through their Member Center account; non-members can order it through the ISTA E-Market.

ISTA released Project 6-SAMSCLUB in 2010 (Packaged-Products for Sam's Club® Distribution System Shipment). Project 3J has been discontinued for 2011.

6-SAMSCLUB covers 4 main types of shipments received by Sam‘s Club:

  • Type A: Non-Perishable, initially shipped palletized (on standard or custom pallet)
  • Type B: Non-Perishable, initially shipped floor-loaded, defined as Large
  • Type C: Non-Perishable, initially shipped floor-loaded, defined as Small
  • Type D: Perishable

Sam‘s Club Suppliers and ISTA Certified Testing Labs are encouraged to use 6-SAMSCLUB in lieu of Project 3J. ISTA Members may download the full project, and test report form templates, through their ISTA Member Center account. Non-members can purchase the full project through the E-Market

ISTA® 6-SAMSCLUB is essentially an enhancement of ISTA® Project 3J, which was released early in 2010. After initial release of 3J, several requests for changes were made, prompting ISTA Staff to work with the packaging department at Sam‘s Club to revise and re-classify this test project within our 6-Series (Member Performance Tests). 6-SAMSCLUB is more focused on the specific environment of the Sam‘s Club store and less on generic club store distribution systems.

Project 3J will not be published in 2011. ISTA will be revising this project to make it more general for club store distribution. A re-release date of late 2011 or early 2012 is expected. All Sam‘s Club suppliers should now use 6-SAMSCLUB.
The following changes have been made to ISTA Procedures in the 2011 Resource Book. Members may LOGIN to download the most current versions of ISTA Procedures.

6-SAMSCLUB is now the appropriate procedure for Sam‘s Club suppliers.
 -January 2011
Refer to ISTA 7E and Standard 20 for the testing of insulated shipping containers
 -January 2011
2011 will be the last year Procedure 7D is published. Refer to ISTA 7E for the testing of insulated shipping containers
 -January 2011
 3K NEW PROJECT: Fast Moving Consumer Goods in the European Retail Supply Chain NEW PROJECTJanuary 2011
2A, 2BChange made to the formula used to determine the S value for compression testingTechnicalJanuary 2011
2C, 3HChange made to the Air Ride vibration spectrum Click here for document.TechnicalJanuary 2011
2FCorrection to directions in Test Block 6EditorialJanuary 2011
2FCorrected formula used for Large/Heavy packaged-productsTechnicalJanuary 2011
3BChange made to the concentrated impact equipment used (similar to ASTM D6344)TechnicalJanuary 2011
3BFork Handling Course revised in an effort to loosen restrictions, making the course easier to createTechnicalJanuary 2011
3BNow allows for no vibration top-load of packaged-products over 72 in tall (1.8 m) Technical January 2011
3BNow includes a maximum top load valueTechnicalJanuary 2011
3BRevised Before You Begin for a clearer description of the top load apparatusEditorialJanuary 2011
3E, 3HBefore You Begin Compression revised for clarification when using the Apply & Release methodEditorialJanuary 2011
3HBefore You Begin Compression Testing re-written for easier interpretation of the requirements.EditorialJanuary 2011
1C, 1D, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3E, 3F, 3,HCompression testing equipment requirements changed to allow fixed or floating platensEditorialJanuary 2011
6-SeriesDescription revised to allow for additional uses of the 6-SeriesEditorialJanuary 2011
GUIDELINESThe Guidelines have been updated to reflect changes made to the procedure line-up; also added 2 new sections on using engineering judgments and non-ISTA certificationsEditorialJanuary 2011

The following changes have been made to ISTA Procedures since the release of the 2010 Resource Book. Members may LOGIN to download the most current versions of ISTA Procedures.

 1C, 1DBefore You Begin Compression Conditioning: Revised tables used to calculate test force or load with better explanation and accurate minimum/maximum valuesEditorialMay 2010
 Project 3JAdded a definition for standard and custom pallets; 
Corrected Overview paragraph on page 13 to indicate the 30-second compression test for Perishables;
Revisions made to correct formatting issues
EditorialMay 2010
 3AIdentification of Faces, Edges and Corners for Express Mailers revised to better reflect orientations for a two-dimensional mailer/envelope.EditorialApril 2010
 All Procedures and ProjectsThe Reporting an ISTA Test section in each ISTA testing protocol has been revised to list more details on completing and submitting a test report form. Information previously on this page is in the Guidelines for Selecting and Using ISTA Procedures and Projects.EditorialJanuary 2010 
 2ETest Block 4, Step 4 was re-written for better interpretation of the test method.EditorialJanuary 2010
3ATest Block 9, Step 17: the set-up for smalls was revised to show the proper positioning of the sample bag.EditorialJanuary 2010
3BA number of editorial revisions, particularly in TEST BLOCK 15, Fork Lift Handling, to help with interpretation of requirements.EditorialJanuary 2010
3BTest Block 15: Flat Push tests now require just one fork blade tip in contact with the pallet‘s center block/stringer.EditorialJanuary 2010
3ETest Block 4 has been re-written for better interpretation of the required method.EditorialJanuary 2010
3EBefore You Begin Shock Testing: re-written to include proper terms (impact velocity for incline-impact and velocity change for horizontal impact)EditorialJanuary 2010
3ETest Block 5, Step 3: re-written to identify proper determination of vibration test time.EditorialJanuary 2010
3EBefore You Begin Compression: re-written for easier interpretation of the requirements.EditorialJanuary 2010
3FBefore You Begin Compression: Test Load changed to Test ForceEditorialJanuary 2010
3HTest Block 7, Step 3: re-written to identify proper determination of vibration test time.EditorialJanuary 2010
7DAdded a last year of publication notice to first page. Procedure 7D will not be published after 2010; a new project will supersede 7D later in the year.
January 2010
The following changes have been made to ISTA Procedures since the release of the 2009 Resource Book.

 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 2A, 2B, 2D, 2E, 2FInstructions for the second portion of the fixed displacement test have been clarified to instruct the user to begin at a low frequency and increase the frequency until the shim can be properly inserted.EditorialJune, 2009

The following changes have been made to ISTA Procedures in the 2009 Resource Book. Members may LOGIN to download the most current versions of ISTA Procedures.

 3E, 3H Method for determining Vibration Time changed to reflect a new formula for test time as it relates to distance traveled.TechnicalJanuary 2009
 6-Series More detailed descriptions added, including basic testing requirements.EditorialJanuary 2009
 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1G, 1H, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F, 3A, 3E, 3F, 3H Statements allowing inspections after a test method have been removed. Inspections will no longer be allowed if testing is being done for ISTA certification.EditorialJanuary 2009
 1C, 1D, 1E, 1G, 1H, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2F, 3E, 3F, 3H, 7B, 7D Theoretical stroke added to vibration profiles.EditorialJanuary 2009
 1C, 1D, 2A, 2B, 2F, 3E, 3F, 3H, 4AB Compression equipment requirements changed to clarify that a fixed platen should be used.EditorialJanuary 2009
3AFurther explanation of how to calculate the top-load that is used.EditorialJanuary 2009
3ARandom Vibration Under Vacuum changed to Random Vibration Under Low Pressure to better reflect testing that is done. EditorialJanuary 2009
3ATop-Load apparatus requirements changed to allow for a minimum of 1 and a maximum 3 overhang on all sides.EditorialJanuary 2009
2A, 2B, 3E, 3F, 3HFurther explanation of compression compensating factors added.EditorialJanuary 2009

The following changes have been made to ISTA Procedures since the release of the 2008 Resource Book. Members may LOGIN to download the most current versions of ISTA Procedures.

 2BTest Sequence (page 3 of 15), Corrected Step 5 to show proper levels, added Rotational Edge Drop as Step 6, updated "Note" after table to show vibration sequences as #4 and #7

Corrected value used in formula for Fixed Displacement Vibration (page 8 of 15). Value should be 11,800 vibratory impacts.

A note was added to the Before You Begin Compression section to clarify that when the S-value is 1 (or when the user knows nothing will be stacked on the unit), the formula will equal zero and therefore no compression is necessary.
EditorialOctober 1, 2008
 3HTest Sequence (page 3 of 19), Sequence 10 corrected to 2 mph (0.9m/s) 15 ms Half SineEditorialApril 23, 2008
 3AHeader/Footer date changed to FEBRUARY 2008; Last Editorial date changed to FEBRUARY 2008.EditorialFeb. 26, 2008
3ATest Sequences: Test Blocks referenced for Vibration Testing now include all Test Blocks used.EditorialFeb. 26, 2008
3ATop-Load Apparatus for Small description added to Page 13.EditorialFeb. 26, 2008
3AExplanation for * in Top-Load Formulas table added to bottom of page.EditorialFeb. 26, 2008
3ATEST BLOCK 1: redundant word removed from Step 4; 
Step 10 replaced with easier explanation of continued steps.
EditorialFeb. 26, 2008
3ATEST BLOCK 2: Further direction added to Step 5.EditorialFeb. 26, 2008
3ATEST BLOCK 5: Step 16 corrected to show proper Test Block title.EditorialFeb. 26, 2008
 3ATEST BLOCK 8: Optional comment revised; Step 1 added to direct user to TEST BLOCK 2 prior to continuing; Test sequence re-numbered accordingly; direction in Step 7 corrected accordingly.EditorialFeb. 26, 2008
 3ATitle for TEST BLOCK 11 corrected to read Full Rotational Flat DropEditorialFeb. 26, 2008

Below is a list of the changes that were effective for 2008.

Please note that a majority of the ISTA Procedures have had one or more technical change for 2008. All procedures have gone through formatting changes in the 2008 versions, to make them more consistent with each other and easier to use. Please be sure you are using the correct procedure version - VERSION DATES are listed at the top of this page.

 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3E, 3F, 3H, 7A, 7B, 7C2 additional temperature and humidity cycles added to Atmospheric Conditioning tableTechnicalJanuary 2008
 2C, 3E, 3F, 7CReplaced truck vibration spectrum with ISTA 3H Steel Spring vibration spectrumTechnicalJanuary 2008
 3ATop Load round-up increments changed to 5 pound (from 25 pound)TechnicalJanuary 2008
3ATop Load orientation changed for irregulars, tubes and pailsTechnicalJanuary 2008
2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3E, 3F, 3H, 7A, 7B, 7CCorrected "Standard Conditions" (formerly Controlled temperature) Fahrenheit temperature value to 73FEditorialJanuary 2008
7ATEST BLOCK 2, Step 5, corrected missing wordsEditorialJanuary 2008
 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3E, 3F, 3H, 7A,7B, 7CChanged titles of Atmospheric Conditioning sequencesEditorialJanuary 2008
ALLVersion Dates added for both last Technical Change made and last Editiorial Change madeEditorialJanuary 2008
 ALL (except 3A, which saw this change in 2007)Test Blocks numbered throughout procedureEditorialJanuary 2008
2F, 3ATest Block numbers added to test sequence tablesEditorialJanuary 2008
The following changes were included in the 2007 edition of the Resource Book.

3HTest Sequence was corrected to show test level in Sequence #10; also corrected to show that sequence as "Required" (not just for rail shipments)TechnicalOctober 2007
2A, 2B, 3E, 3HA note was added to the Before You Begin Compression section to clarify that when the S-value is 1 (or when the user knows nothing will be stacked on the unit), the formula will equal zero and therefore no compression is necessary.EditorialMay 2007
3HThe term "unitized load" was changed to "bulk container" where appropriate.EditorialMay 2007
2CShock Test Blocks A, B, C, D: Edited to include qualifiers for Exception One and Two testing.TechnicalMay 2007
2CShock Test Block C: Corrected the face orientations that are impacted to small, opposite small, large and opposite large.EditorialMay 2007
3AAdded a second series of free fall drops for FLAT and ELONGATED packaged-products. Click here for details on this addition.TechnicalMarch 2007
3APage 2 (Preface): picture graphics added to help with identifying the different package types.EditorialMarch 2007
3APage 16 (Before You Begin OPTIONAL Vibration Under Vacuum):Changed unit "mm HG/torr" to "mm Hg (torr)", in order to avoid confusion. Some vacuum chambers use torr instead of mm Hg as the measured value.EditorialMarch 2007
7DCorrection made to last Cycle Period listed on Page 6 (Cold/Hot and Hot/Cold). Due to a copy and paste error, this table is incorrect in the 2007 Resource Book. Correct table is listed in the 2006 version.EditorialMarch 2007
The following changes were included in the 2007 edition of the ISTA Resource Book.

3A Test Block 7: SMALLS changed to "do NOT test in bag"EditorialJanuary 2007
3A Test Block 6: SMALLS changed to "do NOT test in bag"EditorialJanuary 2007
3ATest Block 8 for SMALLS: orientations listed corrected to correspond with ID of faces/corners/edgesEditorialJanuary 2007
3AEquipment Required for SMALLS: added statement to fill internal dunnage packagesEditorialJanuary 2007
3ABefore You Begin Optional Vibration Under Vacuum: In the unit table, "torr" was added to metric units for barometric pressureEditorialJanuary 2007
3ATest Blocks 4, 5, 6 and 7: added random vibration spectrum being usedEditorialJanuary 2007
3AIdentification of Orientations: NOTE added that most stable orientation may be different than intended shipping orientation.EditorialJanuary 2007
3AEquipment Required Additional: For SMALLS, added approximate sizes for overnight envelope, #5 and #6 mailersEditorialJanuary 2007
7AEquipment Required Shock: text change from "potatoes" to "simulated product"EditorialJanuary 2007
7ABefore You Begin Atmospheric: text change from "potatoes" to "simulated product"EditorialJanuary 2007
7AShock Testing: text change from "potatoes" to "simulated product"EditorialJanuary 2007
7DMany editorial changes were made throughout the document to clarify the testing procedure.EditorialJanuary 2007
The changes listed below were made to ISTA Procedures between 2005 and 2006.

 2AIn the Random Vibration test block, Page 14, Step 11 was corrected to show the end of testing.EditorialSeptember 2006
3AIn Test Block 10, Page 22, Step 5 was removed for redundancy.EditorialMay 2006
7DIn the Before You Begin Atmospheric Temperature Testing section, Page 6, the 72-hour international expedited airfreight transport profiles listed an incorrect time for the 4th sequence. The Cycle Period Hours should be 24, not 14.TechnicalOctober 2005
3A, 3CIn the Before You Begin Vibration Under Dynamic Load section, the units for top-loads have been corrected to read Kilograms and Pounds.EditorialJune 2005
2A, 2B, 2C, 3E, 3HIn the Before You Begin Compression section of Procedures 2A, 2B, 3E and 3H the formulas have been corrected. The formula for the dead weight test should be:

Wt x (S-1) x F

In the Before You Begin Vibration Under Dynamic Load section of Procedure 2C, the 9.8 metric conversion factor has been removed from the dead weight formula.
TechnicalJune 2005
2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3C, 3E, 3F, 3H, 7A, 7B and 7CIn the Before You Begin Atmospheric Conditioning blocks in the referenced Procedures, the humidity for the Controlled temperature sequence should be 50% RH 5%.TechnicalMay 2005
 2BIn the Identification of Faces, Edges and Corners section, the Edge is mislabeled. It should be Edge 1-2.EditorialMay 2005
 3AIn the Second Shock Test Block for STANDARD and SMALL, the drop heights listed in the Small (in a bag) column were incorrect. The proper drop height is 610 mm (24 in.)TechnicalApril 2005
 7DThe Cycle Period Hours numbers are inconsistent with the Total Time Hours in two of the tables. At the bottom of page 5 of 13, the 8s in the Cycle Period Hours columns should be 12s (2 places). On the top of page 6 of 13, the 12s in the Cycle Period Hours columns should be 6s (2 places).TechnicalApril 2005
1B, 1E, 1H, 2BUnder the Caution statement in the Before You Begin Shock Testing section, the last bullet point should read:

you may conduct the Rotational Edge Drop test on both of the shortest edges.
EditorialJanuary 2005

This section under construction.